Chapter 25

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Graces POV

Ive gone 2 weeks, cut free. I decided to continue to go to the sessions. As much as I dont like going there and talking it surprisingly helps me. Like a lot.

"Harry...." I unsteadily say.

"Yeah Grace?" He asks.

"Im ready. Tonight?" I ask, unsure if I worded that right.

"Grace, are you sure you want to?" Harry asks a bit worried.

"But we haven't even been together a year!" He says. I then start laughing.

"What? I thought you said you were ready to ha-" I interrupt his talking.

"You know guys are supposed to steal the kisses!"

"You think I care?" I ask

"True. Now wait so we are not hav-" I kiss him again.


"Harry, chill. And no! I was talking about telling you were I come from and all!" I reply

All I get from styles is,"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" And a huge sigh.

"Hahah that funny I thought I told you I want to wait till after I get married! You actually thought I wan-" Im interrupted by a certain British guys lips crashing against mine.

"You interrupted me mister!" I laugh as we pull away.

"Awww so you know how it feels now!" Harry giggles.

"Okay Styles shut your mou-"

Again Im interrupted by none other than Mr. Har Bear himself! Yay(for me that is!)


Im laying next to Harry and Im about to tell him my long depressing past thats been haunting me all these years.

"Harry, I was born on October 22nd to my Mother and Father, Debby and Richard Ebonys. I already had a 3 year old brother by than. His name was Ryan, we were very close."

Harrys POV

I begin to see Graces eyes water up.

"Wait, whats with the were and was?" I ask.

Grace manages a a small smile,

"Just wait."

"For a bit my life was perfect. I was popular and happy. I had everything I wanted. But then my Dad whom I call Richard, well Richard cheated on my mo-"

"Why do you call him Richard?" I ask

"Youll see." Grace smiles sweetly the continues,

"Richard cheated on my mom when I was in 5th grade. Then the girl divorced Richard and he came crawling back to my Mom when I was in 8th grade. She refused to let him back in though. He hurt us all you know?

When I was a freshman, Richard broke in my Moms house. My mom, asleep and Ryan with a few friends. Me, in my room sleeping too. Then I heard a nose and I went to see what it was. It was Richard. He smacked me that night. So hard. He threatened me. He said if anyone found out about him there he'd kill me. Well I

Told my notebook.

When I came home from a friends house, he was there. He beat me. He came to me for a month every Sunday night, when mom worked and Ryan was with friends."

"Its okay." I reassure her. She take a deep breath.

"One day my mom came jhome early and she walked into him hurting me. She got a gun that was not loaded.

Richard being to wasted to know that nocked her out....then Ryan came home and he got Richard off of me....i called 911 but I was too late. By the time they got there...Richard killed Ryan."

I hugged her thinking her suffering was done.

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