Chapter 30

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Okay This chapter will be short but I will do a double update tonight I swear!! Sorry its been a bit since I last updated, ive been busy !! Hope you enjoy This chapter tho! vote please:D

Graces POV
When I wake up, the first thing I rember is, its christmas. I stand up on the bed and start to jump on the bed like a little kid. "GET UPPPPPPP!" I yell. "GET UPPPPP!!!" I ruffle Harrys hari and he opens his eyes. "Babe? its 4 in the morning!!" He wines. "Please get up baby its christmas!" I say happily. Harry groans and gets up to pull on some gray sweats. But I see that smile he has on his face. We race to the living room. Phones in hand becuase what christmas without pictures and social media?

We sit down indian style next to eachother. I hand him his first present; a mix CD I made him.
"Its all the songs we love." I reply.
"And a few ones that remind me of you." I smile.

"Thanks babe." He says before grabbing his phone. "Say cheese!" He tells me as I lean in smiling. "Thats a keeper!" I say. Harrys laughs then hands me a present.

"Im not good with presents so...if you dont like it I ahhh get it..." Harry says blushing. "Im sure its great." I reassure him.

I eagerly rip of the red and green wrapping paper. A box then sits in my hand. I open it up to find, a pair of leggings, a bad of jolly ranchers, a bad of chocolate, a bunch of packs of gum and an iTunes girftcard. "This?from the guy whos not good at gifts?" I playfully say.

"Oh is it bad...I uh.." Harry says nervously.

"Oh no Har, thats not it. No the gift, was really sweet, all the things I love. An since the man I love gave it to me its even better!" I reply. Harry smiles shyly before handing me a final present.

The small thin box is wrapped with red ribbon. Opining the box, I expect a regular charm on chain. What I don't expect is a more romantic quester. A locket. A silver locket. On the back it reads, "You make my heart whole" When I open the locket theres a sweet picture of me and him. Looking up at this man I think, how lucky am I to have such a loving man......

I thank him with a kiss. He kisses back, as always. But this kiss, theres just something more.

I move to sit on his lap as he unwraps the present I give him. He tears the wrapping and lifts the lid of the box, lays a iPad mini in the box.

"I downloaded a few things already. Because remember that one day you couldn't find your phone?" I ask

"You took it to set up iCloud for me on here?" He asks.

"Yeah....sorta." I feel heat in my checks come. He turns on the iPad. The screen saver is a picture of us at the coffee house.

"We spent to much on eachother." Harry replies.

"Because we love each other." I inform him. "Theres nothing wrong with that."

"I suppose your correct sexy." He laughs.

"I always am."

"Love you." Harry says giving me a warm hug

"And I love you Harry." I say with a smile on my lips.

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