Chapter 13

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Harrys POV


"Oh hello son. Better hurry I have to get off soon to head on my flight." My dads voice says.

"I broke up with her." I sigh.

"So soon?" He chuckles.

"Better not to get my self to attached." I tell him.

"You mean get her pregnant?"

"Sure whatever." I really don't feel like fighting with him right now.

"Okay son your big award for braking up with her!"


"Ill text you latter what it is! Bye!"

What the heck?


"Amanda, I cant do this." Im crying into Amanda's shoulder. She sitting her hugging me telling me it will be okay.

"Harry, look at me." Amanda says. I look into her eyes.

"You'll get her back Har. Ill help you. You love her Har. I know it."

"How?" I ask

"Ill find a way to get you guys together Har." She says

"No about how you know I love her?"

"Har, your crying. Crying over het because you lost her. You left her so she wouldn't get hurt badly. You may have broken her heart but that will mend. If it does not mend you know she loves you too." Amanda says.

"She probably still hates me."

"We shall see. Im going over there in an hour. To see how she is." Amanda says.

"Kay. Imma go for a walk." I say pulling my sneakers on.

"Bye." Amanda says. "And stay strong."


The cold air hits my face and it feels so good. Its a week till christmas. We havent had our first snow yet.

I broke up with Grace two weeks ago. And that text my dad said he was gonna send was a picture. Of a girl. Sexy she was. But she was not beautiful. This sexy figure named Rain, was good looking like model type! Most guys would be all over her and be thrilled. But not me. Infect I was angry.

Rain was sexy not beautiful like Grace. Grace loves sweaters and her hair in a braid or down in her long messy brown curls. Grace loves Pie and coffee. Snuggles and long walks. Grace loves taking funny and cute pictures. Graves loves hugs and quick kisses. Grace loves food too.

Rain loves to expose her her body. She loves tank tops and her black hair straight and make up covering her all up. Rain loves wine and fancy expensive foods on a daily bases. Rain loves flirting and going out. Rain loves holding me and making me ticked. Rain loves make out sessions and other things..... Rain is a no meat person.

Im walking faster and faster till Im running. I kick the wall and pull my fair. I yell a but and cuss. Im so mad. At my dad. my mom. At the world. Im made mostly at my self though.

I stand up and I turn around. Looking up I can tell Grace is looking at me and I cant help it. The tears run out and Im running again.

Amanda's POV

Her apartment is a mess. glass is on the floor along with a rose half burnt. Pillows are everywhere. The dishes are dirty and shes in her pjs. Her hair is a mess. Her eyes puffy and red. A waste basket full of tissues. She loves Harry Styles.

I mean her room looks worse than his room!

I give her a huge hug.

"Lets go out. For coffee and a long walk and we can talk." I suggest.

"Let me go shower first." Grace says. I let her go get ready while I sit on the coach texting Harry.

"Har, her apartment is a mess. She tried to burn a picture of you guys. But she didn't finish. Harry she loves you." I text him

"Im such a freaking idiot! I hate myself! I let her go! we could have left! God Im so stupid!!" He texts back.

"Stop Har. Now I gtg ttyl."

Graces POV

I told Amanda as we walked all the details of how Ive been the last two weeks. How I miss Harry. How I freaking am dying inside.

We open the door to the coffee house. The first thing I see is Harry with what looks to be some model or stripper! They are laughing! She scoots closer and starts kissing him!! I pull Amanda out whos looking too. She texts him.

Harrys POV

I was in the middle of being mauled by Rain at a coffee shop when my phone rings.

"One sec. I gotta take this." I tell Rain. Who lets me breath agin.

"Freaking kidding me Harry?" Amanda sounds annoyed

"What?" I ask

"Im with Grace and she missies you and loves you and is the description of the living dead I finally get her out of her house she walks into her favorite coffee shop to see you making out with Rain! I know shes not your pick but I dont freaking care styles! This girl loves you and she wants yo-"

"Like I dont know! I love her too! Now stop! Okay im messed up! I freaking screwed it up with her! Now stop! Im done! I cant do this anymore Amanda!" I close my phone and scotch back my chair ignoring Rains comments and protests. I walk out of the cafe pushing past Rain and I start running.

Graces POV

I ran right as I saw Harry. I don't want to see him ever again! Suddenly Im grabbed and Its the guy from so long ago. He cuts me and punches me and smacks me. I scratch his face. hard. He lets me go and I rush out of the woods with the dark figure running after me.

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