Chapter 16

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Harrys POV

"WHERE IS SHE!?" Brian yells throwing me against the hard brick wall.

"AWAY FROM YOU!" I shout, he bangs my head against the wall again. He grits his teeth and says,

"Tell me were she is and then no one gets hurt. Keep her hidden your both dead."

"I swear you lay one hand on her your dead!" I say.

"Ill do more than lay one hand on her and you know it." He whispers.




"Harry, its such a treat her like shes your property. Ha if I had her Id treat her like a woman and make sure shed know that!" Brain laughs harshly.

"Brian, shes mine. Just stop dude. Let it go."

"Harry, you still don't realize what you put me through dude? You took my sisters innocence and happiness away! Your dumb father makes you hurt girls and you let it happen."

"I hate my Father." I whisper

"You keep listing to him then?" He asks.

"You don't get it. He hurts me Brian you of all people should know that."

"Harry, I saw my sister crumple and cry. Your dad used you to use get girls and their money. I was stupid enough to let it continue."

"Brain, man, Im sorry. You know that. And you know I didnt try to kill your sister Stephanie. You know what really happened. Im sorry." I say to him as he slides down the brick wall.

"I know. But I still cant believe shed....shed kill her self.Brian says tears spilling out his eyes.

I stay there for a few minutes. We sit there in silence.

"Dude you can leave." Brian tells me.

"Take care man." I say before I leave.

Brian's POV

Perfect. Harry, Amanda and little Grace are right were I want them. And lets just say, they wont expect whats gonna happen next.

Graces POV

Im pacing the floor. Its almost midnight and Harrys still not home. Right now Im so scared.

"Calm down Grace."

"But I cant! He left me once! He can leave me again so easily and I dont want him to.... Hurt me again."

"He wont hurt you again. I promise you he wont." Amanda has been here since ten because I was getting so worried.

"You know what, you sit down and Ill go make you some tea." Amanda suggests.

"Okay." I whisper sitting down on the coach as Amanda leaves for the kitchen.

Harry wherever you are, just please come back to me.

Amanda's POV

Grace is in bed. Its 3:49 AM. Im sitting at the table in the kitchen with a cup of tea sitting in front of me.

Where the heck could that boy be?

I lay my head down on the table and just rest my eyes for a second.


"Ouch!" A familiar heavy accent says. I lean my head up. Harrys trying to make some tea but hits his head on a shelf.

"Nice to see you too." I say.

Harrys head jerks up and he turns around. His eye black.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well Im comforting your worried to death girlfriend!" I slightly yell at him.

"Im...Im sorry." He says.

"Harry dont play that game."

"What game?"

"Your not innocent okay Harry! So stop acting like it!!"

"Amanda, sweetheart chill!" He leans closer to me the smell of alcohol is on his breath.

"Harry stop." I say pushing him away. But he is too strong for me. He pins me against the wall.

"I know you have missed my touch Amanda." Harrys voice


"Har please stop." I say helplessly.

"Kiss me Manda.

"No." I decline. He leans closer. But before I can stop him his lips connect with mine.

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