chapter 8

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Bad guys POV

I hate being bad. Because instead of trying to hurt Grace Id rather try to really be nice to her and be her friend. But Im not going to.

I have to show Harry whats right. How it feel to have someone be taken from you. Ill show him.

Grace walks right past me and then I sneak up behind her and I hold her by the wrists and tie her wrists the I cover her mouth. I hate doing this. I take out my knife and pierce her fragile skin. I call mimic Harrys voice and call her sexy like he douse.

Grace knees me in the groin a good 3 or 4 times and it send me down to the ground. She then rushes off. And Im left in pain. But job succeeded.

Harrys POV:

I went out for a smoke and I was about to head in when I saw A figure running toward me. I soon realized it was Grace.

"Grace, Crap whatcha doing this late out?" Then I see her hands bound together and something over her mouth. Once shes close enough I take the bing over her mouth off.

"Promise me it was not you Harry." She tells me.

I know it was Brain. "I promise Grace." I tell her undoing her hands.

"No look into my eyes Harry and promise me it was not you." Shes serious. So I looked her dead in her mysterious dark green eyes and promises her I didn't. I then hugged her an helped her to her room and told her it was okay. I helped her clean her hands amd get her into bed. I told her Id check on her in the morning then I left with the feeling that I would soon strangle Brian.


I knocked on her door at about 9 in the morning. She answered. Then went straight to the coach,

covering up in a blanket.

"What about work?" I asked her.

"I called and quite." She informed me.

"Grace, why would you do a stupid thing like that?"

"Im not going outside."


"With the attacks, I just cant." Grace explained to me.

"Hey it'll be ok.....I promise" She sighs and I grab her hand and pull her off the coach.

"No. Stop." She demands but I ignore her.

"Harry! Please." I then listen and release her.

"Come outside its pretty out." I tell her.

"No! Im not going out side with that rapper or killer whatever he wants to do with my body. He touches me again and hes gonna get knead there so bad." Grace exclaims.

"Okay. Fine, but Im going out there." I tell her leaving her alone

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