Chapter 2

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"Hey sexy," Harry whispers in my ear. I turn around and slap him.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I say. Harry just laughs while holding his face.

"Not used to that?" He asks.

"No! Besides you scared me half to death and all I know about you is that you enjoy the mango smoothie!" I say.

"So are you saying Mr. Chase said nothing?" Harry asks.

"Told me to stay away from you," I reply.

"Well. . . ," Harry hesitates.

"What?" I ask.

"He's probably right."


"That's none of your beeswax!"

"Buzzz buzzz!" I say. Harry just laughs.

"Feisty and funny," Harry says smiling.

"So why would Miss. Perfect be walking down a dark ally like this?" Harry asks.

"Well I'm just one of those gangster druggies," I joke, and I think Harry believes me because his expression says it all.

"Harry, I'm kidding," I say.

"Well I was just so shocked because...," Harry hesitates with his words.

"I don't seem like that girl?"

"Yeah...," Harry says as I laugh.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well my apartment is above the that shop," Harry says.

"Miss. Hanna's Hats?" I ask.

"Yup. That's the one," Harry says.

"I'm staying there with Miss. Hanna, old friend of my moms..."

"Why?" I ask.

"I got into some... trouble, back home in England," He says.

"What kind of trouble?"

"Shouldn't you be heading to work?" Harry asks, ignoring my questions. I check my watch and realize I should be ready to work in five minutes.

"Crap! I gotta go!" I say, running towards the coffee house.

"You're welcome!" He calls after me.

"Peace!" I say. And for some reason I turn around and he's smiling, which makes me smile; and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

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