chapter 14

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Graces POV

While I was running I tripped and feel. The dark figure held me down. His hand lifted up my torn and dirty dress. He tries to take it off and undo my bra strap but before he can I scream help. I scream it so loud. I need help. Im getting raped!

The guy continues trying to undo my bra strap. I continue to yell until his hand covers my mouth blocking off my strained yelling. I don't care wear his nasty mouth has been. I bite down. Hard. I eont let go. Im bitting really hard. His filthy hand pulls my hair. I wince at the pain. But I still don't let go of his hand. Finally he must have had enough cuz his free hand stops pulling my hair. He gets off of me and try's to pry my mouth open. I take the chance thats there for me and I kick him in his groin. He yelps and I kick again. hitting his face. He kicks me in the shin and sends a quick slap to my face. I kick him one final time and I stop bitting him. Then I just run.

Harrys POV

I was just finishing a quick smoke when a person comes running out of the woods.

"Harry!" Its Graces voice.


"He tried! He tried!!" Is all Grace says tears streaming down her face.

"Harry! Help me!" She says. Her knees give out and she starts to fall. I catch her and carry her bridal style into her apartment.

I glance at her face. Her eyes read and puffy. Blood trickles down her check from a cut or scratch. A red slap across her cheek.

I take off her dress after I lay her down on her coach. I take off her dress because I need to see if there any injuries there. When she had first found me she held her stomach.

First of all her bra has been snagged and torn a bit. Then her stomach bruised. bad. Like someone punched her. I fix her up with bandages and and ice pack. I putt sweats on her and a tee-shirt before laying her in her bed.

Then I call Amanda.

Amanda's POV

After Grace saw Harry today she told me she was going home and for me to go back to my apartment(Im going to collage in America now so I live here now.)

Its 12:37 and Im watching movies when Harry calls me.

"Amanda.....we need to talk." Harrys voice is shaky. He seems scared.

"Ya....Harry is everything okay?" I ask worried.

"Not really...." I tell her.

"What?" I ask

"Your brothers here."

"What!! Crap! What is he doing here!" My brother thinks Harry tired to kill our sister Stephanie. But we all know why Steph is really gone.

"The worst of it. He attacked Grace." no he wouldn't do that. Then again.....

"I don't like to telling you this, but I have to. Amanda, He tried to rape Grace." My room is so silent you can here a pin drop.

"Amanda, he has attacked her before. So many time before. Grace show up with cuts and bruises on her body and I go home and cry after seeing her like that because it brakes my heart."

"Amanda you still with me." Harry asks me.

"Harry, I'm calling him and Im gonna kill him." I say.

"Kill him they will take you away from both me and Grace!" You here me!!" Harry starts to raise his voice.

"fine but I will call the police or something because this is nasty." I say.

"I agree. Now im tired. Gonna talk to you tomorrow or something?" Harry asks.

"Kay." I say then hang up.

I fall asleep that night with one feeling. Hatred. Towards my brother.

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