Chapter 12

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I walk back to Graces. I need to talk to her. Im ready to tell her. I have to anyways. I knock on her door and she opens it. Then lets me in. She takes the frying pan behind her back and puts it on the table.

"Grace?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah Harry?

"Why do you have a frying pan with you?" I ask

"Just making sure you weren't a murder or something!" I smile and then sit down on her coach.

"We gotta talk...."

Graces POV

As soon as he said "we gotta talk...." I developed a mini heart attack.

"okay?" I say slowly sitting down.

"Look Grace I enjoy your company and your a really wonderful girl but its just.... Grace Im really sorry!" As soon as the words come out of his mouth I know whats going on.

"Grace look Im sorry."

"No Harry save it. I get it. You flirt with me and make me feel all special and happy! you promise me you won't leave but look! You break it! all in the same freaking day!!" I raise my voice at him. I don't really mean to but how can I be okay and calm?

" Look babe Im sorry! I do have a good reason believe me...."

"Then what is it Harry?" Im mad. I want answers. I need these answers.

But theres silence. He won't talk.

"Fine dont tell me. dont love me. Dont trust me!" I yell at him.

"Grace, I just dont wanna hurt you!" I know he doesnt want to but that doesnt matter, he's already hurting me.

"So instead you hurt my heart instead which just hurts me in the end?" I ask him.

"Look babe-"

"Dont call me babe!" I command.

"Grace pl-"

"No! Harry just go! leave me already!" I yell at him.

"If only you knew." I hear him say.

"Well you wont me so?"

"Im sorry Grace." Harry says.

"Save it. Please Harry go." I ask him.


"Harry! please!!!" Im practically begging him now. Why cant he just understand. Then he leaves and I yell and throw a few pillows around. I then just cry. eating my feelings.


Its 2am and I cant sleep. Im listing to need you now by Lady antubelem.

I thought Harry was a bit of happy in my somewhat depressing life but no. Nothing. He was there for a bit and I got attached quickly. I should no better than doing that though. There are way to many people I get used to having around than they just brake on me.


Keep reading! and shout out to my gurl, boo2341! read her story pinky promise(its another harry fan fic!) Hope you all enjoy the rest of the story!

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