Chapter 28

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Harrys POV (December)

"What should we so for christmas?" Grace asks while an old re run of friends goes to a commercial.

"We should see what are moms want to do." I say.

"Okay." Grace smiles. Shes gone a good amount of time without self harming and Im really proud of her. She goes to a small group every Thursday while I work. Its good and shes started talking to God about it. Ive never been a religious type of guy but if it makes her happy Ill let her talk to God, that would make me the bad guy if I told her not to so yeah.

"Can we go to Church tomorrow?"

Really Grace? Really?

"Yeah, you can go." I reply

"Thats not what I asked." Grace says sternly.

"I know silly."

"Harry, please? Her bottom lip sticking put as she gives me the puppy dog face.

"Thats not gonna work on me." I chuckle.

"Ugh fine Ill go by my self then!" She sighs. Shes so cute when shes upset.


I hear the alarm buzz and I look at the time, 6:50? What the heck?

I feel Grace roll over to turn it off, she then stretches and gets up.

"Grace, babe, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Getting ready, duh." She replies giggling. I cant help but smile at her.

"You do know its Sunday, not Monday right?" I ask her.

"I know....I told you Im going to church."

"No, now come back in bed."

"What do you mean come back in bed?"

"I dont want you to go today."

"Har, Im going, and you can come with me or not." Grace says sharply. I groan and fall back asleep.

A few minutes latter she kisses my head and whispers "I love you difficult person." I smile and fall back to sleep.


The sound of my phone ringing wakes me.



"Yeah, who is this?" I aks

"Its Debby, Graces mom" Her voice panicked.

"Oh hello Debby." I say

"Harry, Graces dad came by..."

"Are you okay? Do I need to come over?!" I ask

"No Im fine....but he came by and said he wants to know where Ryan is...."

"He's dead right?" I ask

"No.....he ran away with Grace in his arms because I had told him too." She begins

"Uh hu?" I say letting her know to go on."

"Well that night Richard went after him and he did shoot at him and got his arm. The police came and Ryan fainted and the police caught Richard and sent him to prison.... well since he never killed wasn't as long as we all thought."

"Ryan's alive?" My mind is racing.

"Douse she know?" I ask

"No....Ryan changed his name and Richards after both Grace and Ryan...." Debby says sobbing.

"Oh my god." I whisper

"You cant tell her though. Please dont! Promise!"

"I promise." I say then hang up.


"Amanda?" I ask my voice shaky. "Brian's adopted right?" I ask

"Yeah, why?" Amanda replies.

"When did he become your brother?" I ask.

"Lets see hear, when he was like 17 I think." Amanda says

"Where did you find him?" I wonder.

"Um he was on the streets and a buddy of mine asked if we could help him out, he had a accident and got hurt in his arm. There was a bullet in his arm. He said a robber got him or something like that. Why?" Amanda asks again.

"Did he change his name?" I ask

"Yeah... Its Robin no, it was Ryan!" She says. "Why is this so important? She asks.

"Amanda, Im almost positive, Brian is Graces brother."

Chapter 29

Graces POV

A little scream erupted from the car seat in target as the tiny baby inside cried.

Her name was Mycah. She was a tiny five month old baby with bright eyes and adorable smile. Since her being a baby, she hasn't exactly developed a personality yet. So all I can tell is that she is the cutest baby with the sweetest laugh ever.

Her older sister Kya was beautiful. Her hair long with tiny, bouncy curl a dirty blonde shade. Her bright eyes danced with amusement whenever we paced something or someone doing something awkward. Like when we passed a couple making out; Kya burst out laughing. She wined and complained whenever Gemma said no to something. She was a talker and she loved to be with someone; hating being board. However I also found that she enjoyed being alone. Kya was too a cutie.

"Sorry again the kids had to come along." Gemma apologized. "There mother was in dire need of a sitter because the father needed to be admitted to the hospital."

"Oh I completely understand. Whats wrong with the father though?" I ask

"He has this diseases or something and he has to go to the hospital a lot." Gemma replies.

"Aww poor guy." I say.

"Yes....I feel bad for the kids too though, and the mom. Gezz I cant even imagine....the last time he went they said he had less then a year to live...."

"Oh gosh!" Is all I can say. I pray to god that family douse not have to suffer. The world suffers enough.

Brains POV

"Yea Harry I am Graces brother." I say breathless, laying on the ground blood gushing out of my nose.

"Why? Why have you hurt her so much then?" Harry asks.

"I was threatened that if I didn't scare her shed be dead. I saved her once and Ill save her a million times if I can." I stare Harry in the eyes.

Harry had called me up told me to meet him in an ally so we could chat. That chat meant weather I was Graces brother or not. And yes I am. I left for a good reason, to keep her safe. But my work

Followed me wherever I was. I can not escape from it.


Told ya guys Brian/Ryan comes back! Vote please! Have a nice night ! :D

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