chapter 11

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Harrys POV

"Sit Harry." Miss. Hanna says.

after a few moments of me sitting a man in a suite and tie come in.

I recognize the man as my father.

"Hello son."

"Hi Father." I say.

"So got any girls?"he ask as My blood begins to boil.

"Her names Grace." I tell him.

"She a virgin?" My father asks.

"I never asked." I tell him.

"Why?" My father asks.

"Because I'm not going through this again! Not like last time!" I tell him.

"Harry, you brake up with her by next friday or else." My father says then walks out the door. I hate him. I have to brake up with Grace before I find out what "or else" means.

"Im going out for a walk." I tell miss. Hanna who nods. I walk out in the cold air and call the only person who I can call.

Amanda's POV

I was sitting on my bed reading. It was a really good book I was into but of course my phone rang.

"Harry?" I ask.

"Yeah. Amanda listen I need your help." Harry asks me.

"Im listening. Whats up?" I say.

"My dad gave me a visit." I hear from his line.

"Oh my gosh Harry, same thing as last time?" I ask him.

"I told him it wasn't gonna happen. Im not making the same mistake again." Harry says and I understand.

"when ya gonna brake up with her?" I ask.

"Im not."

"Harry, you really want her to get hurt?"

" I promised grace that I wouldn't leave her." He says simply.

"You always promise things that you cant keep." I tell him waiting the yelling.

"No I don't!" There it is.

"Like Kelly?" I ask.

"Shut up! Don't you dare mention her name again! Or I swear I will hurt you!" Harry yells at me.

"I know you don't mean that Harry." I tell him.

"Ya, I wont hurt you. Im just mad." He says.

"I know Styles." I sigh

"Thanks Amanda."

"Anytime Harry." I hang up and start to think.

Kelly is Harrys sister. Harry promised that he'd keep her safe. But he broke his promises. And it tore Harry apart. I really worry about Harry.

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