Chapter 15

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He chases me. His hand inching up my shirt slowly. He unclasp my bra strap......

"HARRY!" I bolt straight up in the dark covered in sweat. "HELP! HARRY!" i yell. I hear feet running.

"Im here Grace!" His voice says.

"Come here." I tell him and he comes over and sits on my bed. I reach over and hug him.

"Im sorry." I finally say.

"For what?" Harry asks.

"For putting you through all this." I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean. Making you see me like this. The scratches the bruises. Im sorry for making you see me get hurt and crying. Im a burden. Im sorry." Tears rush down my checks.

Harry takes his thumb and wipes them away saying, " Grace, You are no burden. Your mine. I love you. Im sorry I left you. My dad was gonna hurt you or something and I couldn't stand you getting killed or something and it be my selfish fault. So, I let you go. My dad got me a girl. To make sure I married before he died or
something, I really dont know. And he wanted it with Amanda too. But she told me she cant ever love me like that. That she knows I would find my girl. And I have. If anyones sorry, Its me. Just know that I love you. "

"Dont you dare ever freaking leave me again." I says. our lips smash into each other. We fall asleep holding each other.


I wake up and roll over to expect
Harry. Theres a note on my bed side table.

-Im sorry I have to go to do some old work related stuff. Im sorry baby! Ill come back by 3! XX -

I smile. I am really cold though and he was always warm.

I meant to do a double update Saturday in honor of Harrys Styles birthday (Omg the boys are All growing up way too fast!!) but I got busy so I wasn't able to till today! So I will add another chapter here within the next couple hours or so! Enjoy this lil chapter! And huge things are going to happen soon! So keep reading and voting! Okay Im done now bye!!!!:D

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