Chapter 29

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Harrys POV

I had to go talk to Graces mom With Brian....or is it Ryan? Im not sure which to call him. We have to get things straight when he tried to explain why he hurt her and tried to rape her he said shed be killed and hurt in worse ways and so he decided to do it this way. Quick and essay when I was near by. Brian said he trusted me. He said it may seem like he douse not but really he does. He said his boss is always looking. So he always had to be ready to hurt her.

When we get to Graces moms house we talk. And the talk hurts us all. Debby cries half the time and me and Brain do most of the talking. Finally the one question I've been dreading to answer comes up.

"So how did you get out of the house?" Debby asks.

"Please don't be mad but I kinda sorta got in a fight with her so I could leave..." Debby laughs and says she understands. However, that does not take the pain off. What would I say though? "Hey Grace Im going over to your moms because I have to talk to her and your long lost brother. You know he never really died he just left! And then for money he cut you and tried to rape you. Oh and he is also Amanda's adopted brother!" I can see it now! Front page, "Styles lies about girlfriends past!"

Ya that wont happen.

Graces POV

"Grace! Im out of my cigarets! Go get them for me?" Harry asks.

"No Harry, I will not." I tell you.

"Please baby!!" You wine

"Harry no." I know I have to atand my ground. I smell smoke and I walk into our room. The bed is made and your dirty, mud filled shoes are still on your feet and on the white comforter. One of your poisons sticks in between your lips. I will agree its sorta cute the actions you do when you smoke. But that wont change my mind about it.

"Get your feet off the bed and get that out of my place." I demand. He laughs asking," your place? Hahahah! Your telling me what to do!? Ha! Your pretty darn stupid!"

"Have you been drinking Harry?" I ask.

"Screw you, thats for me to know!" I walk away from him.

"Get back in here woman! Now! Get back in here!!" I storm in.

"What has gotten into you?" I ask

He giggles and then says, "girls."

"Get out Harry." I tell him. "Please I just need some space." I tell him. He leaves without a word.

When he gets back a few hours latter Im half asleep and I feel his breath and the kiss on top of my forehead. "Im sorry baby." He mutters. I think Im better now.

Graces POV

When I get up Harry cooks me breakfast the whole time stealing kisses. I feel asleep in my clothes last night so I change into legging and a sweatshirt which is large enough to cover my bum. When I get downstairs I grab myself a plate. I feel my sweatshirt being lifted up.

After a few minutes his arms warp around me, hugging me.

"You should wear those leggings more often." He whispers then messes up my pony tail. I growl at him and he then tickles my sides. Im giggling so much! I take some flour from the bag and throw it at Harrys face.

"What did you just do!? You little pop face!" He says his face covered in flour.

"Really? Pop face?" I ask in disbelief.

"Well I could say your other namesssss...." He says hissing like a snake.

"Hmmm like what?" I ask

"Sexyyyyyy!" He yells throwing some flour at me.

"Oh you did not !"

"Oh but I did!!" I smile at him as he picks me up and spins me around. I want it to stay like this

forever....but I wont. Theres always something.

Harrys POV

I went to go get a present for Grace and deiced to stop by the coffee shop on the way home. I then run into Rain.

"Hey honey." She walks towards me. She wears leggings and a t-shirt. She almost looks like Grace except Graces bum looks better in the leggings. She leans forward and before I can stop her, her lips touch mine.

"Wow. Harry I knew you could be a jerk but I never thought this!" I hear Amanda's voice. Cruddd....

"Look Amanda its not like that I swear!" I tell her pulling away from Rain. She turns to leave.

"Just dont tell Grace." I plead.

"Whatever." She says heading away from me.

"Hey Harry we can go to my place and I can take your mind off things...." Rain whispers.

"No Rain." I say.

"You know you want to..." She says her hands lowering to my jeans.

"Rain, what did I say!?" I yell.

"You said yes."

"Screw you Rain! I said gosh darn No!" I scream leaving her in shock and guiltiness. Good. Im such a freaking screw up anyways....ill be lucky if Grace ever forgives me. If she ever finds out.

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