chapter 6

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Miss. Hanna's POV

Everyones so scared by Harry. Except Grace and myself. Grace seems happy with him around. Ive never seen her so happy. Shed come around with her Grandma every once in a while. But when I saw her she looked lost. Kinda like Harry. I hope they make each other happy.

"Miss. Hanna Im home!" Harry says as he walks into the apartment.

"Im in the parlor knitting you a new scarf dear." I tell him as he walks in to see.

"Take those shoes off please." I ask he mumbles to himself but obeys.

"What did you do today?"

"Nothing much. Visited the coffee shop. Thinking about finding work if I have to stay here longer." Harry says.

"Your father called this morning. He told me he wants you to stay for a least till the summer." I tell him. Harry sighs. He says he's fine.

"Harry I know you miss Amanda. Its hard I know. But you'll be fine dear." I tell him.

"Think Im gonna go for a walk." Harry says pulling on his shoes and coat.

"Bye dear. Ill be making dinner soon." I tell him then he's off.

I worry about him and Grace. I really do.

Harrys POV:

Miss. Hanna's right. I do Miss Amanda. Its just nerve racking. Not seeing her. But then I feel bad being around Grace and acting like I like her. I don't want to lead her on. I don't like it. I have to stop feeling for one of them.

Ah great just what I need.

"hello Harry."

" Hey Grace."

"Wanna walk together?"

"umm maybe next time Grace. Ive got a lot on my mind." I tell her.

"Oh. Well thats cool. Bye." She says walking off. Then Brian reaches Grace and he walks her home. Yay, now I feel bad and sad to say, a bit, Jealous. Ugh. So I stalk off down the road. I sneak into the ally for a smoke. Bad habit Ive started.

" Dude, we need to talk" says a dark figure. Finally I realize its Brian.

"About what?" I ask.

"How that sexy Grace is mine." He says in a british accent.

"Was that you in the woods the other night?" I ask Brian

"Yes." Brian confirms.


"She douse not need you!" Brian shouts.

"AT LEAST I DIDNT CUT HER!" I shout. Brian punches me and whispers in my ear,

"Tell Grace it was me and shell be next." Brian warns

" As long as you don't hurt her!" I shout at him.

"Oh like you hurt Amanda?"

"Shut up before its too late!"I yell. Brian punches me again and this time he runs away but not before I smack him good. Thats not any normal Brain. Thats Amanda's brother Brain.

Graces POV

"Hey um I gotta go.Sorry." Brian says then leaving me to walk the rest of the way alone. I stop at a bench to sit down to read out in this perfect air. Im drowned in my reading when I here a slight yell. I look up from my book to see Harry walk out of the ally. He starts to run toward me.

"Was that you? Are you okay?"

Harry asks looking really worried. Then I notice a blackish eye.

"No, but I'm okay." I tell him. "But what about you? Your eye!"

"Im fine! I just thought that was you!" Harry says gruffly

"Well it wasn't me! I was just making sure you were okay too! Gosh! You try to be nice and it blows up in your face!" I yell turning away from Harry and walking home.

"Wait Grace!"

"No Harry!!" I shout

"Ill call you sexy!" He warns

"Stop being funny!" I say and cant help but smile

"Look Grace, I just. Ever since that

night I found saw you with that look on your face and your sacredness....." He cant finish.

"I know. Its okay. Did something like that happen to Amanda?" I wonder.

"Yes...." Harry sighs

"Look Harry, its fine. If you don't wanna talk about it, thats fine."

"I will. Latter though. I promise Grace." He says and makes me smile.

"But who was that?" Harry asks.

"I don't have a freaking clue! But it scared the crap out of me!" I tell him. And he laughs and agrees with me.

I know someones looking for me and or Harry. Something tells me its more. I have a feeling Harry has more to tell. Like he knows who's looking for me. The guy who tried to kill me. I just wish I knew what. And I have a bad a feeling ill find out soon enough.

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