Chapter 33

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Okay guys I have one or two more chapter after this one!! The ending will surprise you all! thanks for all the reads! Love you all! I have a question you guys want another Harry fan fic were its just him, a one direction fan fic (one that has all the boys in it) or a complete made up version of a hunger games/divergent book? Id really like some suggestions!! Again, THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!! Vote and comment Pleas. No go ahead and read chapter 33!

Eyes (33-35)

Chapter 33
Graces POV (August)
Its been about six months since Harry and I's breakup. For nearly three months I was a wreck. Hung up over some guy who's probably getting what he wants, sleeping with girls. Rain. While Im having nightmares and crying my eyes out. I swear I probably watched the note book as well as Safe Haven 20 million times. I just miss him.

And its not like missing someone who lives a ways away or a husband going on a trip. No this is worse. Its worse because this time he wont come back.

I know Ill be okay sometime.....just not right now. Ive tried going on a few dates but none of them were good. In ways, I was looking for Harry because I want him and miss him. Then why did I let him go? I let him go because if you love someone you let them go and if they love you back they will come back if not it was never meant to be.

But he did come back. I wanted that but never believed he really would. Now Im upset with myself because I pushed him away. But he did hurt me so bad. Im upset with myself because I miss a guy who dragged my heart around, messed with my emotions and who loved me almost as much as I loved him.


"Honey, he was good for you while it lasted. He did care about you." My mother tells me on the phone.

"Then why did he hurt me?" I ask.

"Something went wrong." She sighs.

We've had this conversation so many times.

"I just feel like Im waking up to only half a blue sky; kinda there but not quite. Like Im walking round with just one shoe. Im a half a heart without him."

"Maybe you should give him a call?" My mom suggests.

"No....Ill be okay." I assure her. "Can ask something though?"

"Yeah. Go ahead." She replies.

I take a big breath and ask, "Is my brother still alive?"

Harrys POV
"You sure you dont want to babe?" Rain asks for the hundredth time, while tugging on my jacket.

"Yes Rain." I reply. "Im leaving, Im not going to stay. Im not doing anything with you because I don't love you. You have ruined it for me." She stands hands on her hips in a little black dress feeding me little white lies.

I want my sexy back.

I want my baby back. I miss my girl. I loved her yesterday, I love her today and Ill love her tomorrow. I will always love her. No matter what she will alway be mine. She will always have a place in my broken heart.

If only she could see the pain. Its been months and Im falling apart. I never thought I could love or be loved until Grace. She lit up my sky, she was my angel, my star. She was mine. For a moment she was mine and it was perfect and now all I can do is remember what we had.

I believe me and Grace were truly in love. Call me crazy but all I ever wanted was to make her wanted. I wanted her. She wanted me. Its seemed so perfect. I loved all of it.

Without her Im half a man at best. With half an arrow in my chest. I miss everything we did. Im half a heart without her.

And I saw her with a guy. Smiling laughing it hurt bad. Does he know you can move it like that? Does he know I want you so bad? Baby does he know that you never go back?

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