Chapter 20

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Graces POV (June)

"Sir what will it be?" Its the begging of summer and Im at work. Yay me!

"Mango smoothie medium"

"Whats your name sir?"

"Harry." I recognize him. His green eyes. Oh how I missies his eyes. His curls and his accent. But I act like I dont care because hes probably moved on already, knowing him.

"Okay that will be 4.30." He hands me the money and leaves.


After my hard day of work I decide I will treat my self. I grab a carmel frappichino and my book, divergent. I just start to read it when a flash of light comes. I turn and see Harry. With his camera. He's taking pictures of the beautiful sensory. The only thing that annoys me is the fact that he acts like Im not there. Why does that hurt me? I know it shouldn't. But it does.

I got up. I looked Harry straight in the eye and say, "I wait for you to come back and when you do you don't even look at me. Im like a stranger to you. Like I never meant anything to you!"

"Wow! Whats your problem?" Harry asks.

"You just cant take a hint can you?" I ask before running home.

Harrys POV

"I wait for you to come back and when you do you don't even look at me. Im like a stranger to you. Like I never meant anything to you!"Grace is a mad flurry of prettiness.

"Wow! Whats your problem I ask?" Because I thought she wanted me gone?

"You just cant take a hint can you?" She spits out before leaving.

Im half tempted to just go back to London or cry and drink till I cant remember anymore. But thats the old me. Ive changed a bit. For Grace. And I hope she likes the new me.

Graces POV

Im sitting on my coach thinking. Crying. Hating. And feeling tired.

Suddenly I hear footsteps thinking its the mail man or something so I ignore it and lay my head in a pillow in cry. About 2 minutes latter I look up to see a very depressed looking curly headed, green eyed guy.

"Look Grace," He begins. But I really don't want to here his excuses.

"No Harr-"

"No Grace just here me out for once! Wanna know why I left? Because I thought it would make you happy if I left! Well I know I made a wrong choose because you sitting here crying over me. And Grace, Ive tried moving on. Ive tried. Ive tried forgetting. Ive tried to leave you. But I cant! Okay and I know I was lucky when I had you. I was lucky because I had something that makes saying goodbye so hard. I lost you though. I was a four leaf clover because I had you! Everything I did was for you. Because I love you. You make my day and seeing you upset is the worst thing in the word. Thats why I came back! Because I freaking hate myself because I left you when you needed me the most! And i bet you hate me and cant love me. But just know that I love you."

By the end I was still crying.

"I never hated you Harry. I only kept loving you." I say through tears. He picks me up and hugs me. My legs hooked around his my hips. Harry stops spinning and leans forward till our forehands are touching.

"I love you Grace." He whispers

"Love you more." I say

"I love you more cuz Im bigger."

"I love you more cuz Im littler."

The rest of the afternoon we just talk and talk. We talk about bands and movies and missing each other. We talk about how we are going to make this work and how were sorry. We just talk and talk till we fall asleep on the coach. And we may do nothing in our sleep but its the most beautiful sleep ever because we both know we love each other.

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