Chapter 24

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Graces POV

"Hey, lets go swiming!" Harry says.

"Im not in the mood." I tell him.

"A movie?"

"let me change first." I say grabbing a shirt, short and jacket.

"Where you going?"

"To change...."

"Why do you want your privacy all the sudden?" Harry asks.

"I dunno....I just do...Im sorry." I say

"No its okay. Im just making sure its not me." He says

"NO! Its not you, I swear!" I tell him which makes him smile.

"Good! Now go change!"


Me and Harry walk through the mall. My hand is in his. Its perfect. We walk out in the fresh air, my long sleeve covering my wrist. Sudenly Harry picks me up, then his eyes glance down at my wrist. The sleve has been pulled up. Oh no.

Harrys POV

"What is this?" I ask Grace pointing to her wrist

"Nothing." she wispers

"GRACE." I warn

"I just accidently cut my self while slicing some carrots...." She says

"Grace....why did you hurt yourself?" I ask

"Im sorry!" She cries.

"Shhhhh." I say picking her up and putting her in my car.

About ten mintues latter she says, "You passed our turn home."

"We are not going home." I tell her

"Were are we going?" Grace asks.

"Im taking you to a concular." I say and boy I dont mean to be rube but the look on her face was pricless. Gosh Im a horrid boyfriend.

Graces POV

"YOUR TAKING ME TO A CONSULAR!?" I ask. If this is all because of a little tiny mer cut, I will scream.

"Babe, liste-" Harry begins

"Why are you taking me here?" I ask.

"You've been having bad nightmares also Amanda told me you had a rough childhood and I think you should just try it out. One month of sessions, and if it doesn't work then you can stop going."

"Amanda told you about my childhood?"

"No! I just asked her what type of childhood you had and she sad it was a bit rough.....and dont get mad at her. Its my fault." Harrys so sweet.

"Harry, I will tell you. Soon. I promise, just give me time." I plead.

"Okay" Harry smiles. "But we are here so....?"

"Okay." I laugh as I get out of the car.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Gracie Boo."

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