Chapter 27

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Harrys POV(october)

Ever since that night were I learned about Louis and Richard and Brian, my Grace became more distant from me. Its like she had a fear. Shes lost many people in her life and shes been hurt so many times. She wants to believe and to trust but theres something pulling her back and telling me no.

The only part of her feelings she lets me see are the good parts, like her love for me. She hates when I see her cry. But she does that a lot so its really hard for both me and her.

Amanda is the only person that Grace has always had with her. Without Amanda Grace and mines relationship would be long gone. I asked Amanda once why Grace has had such a bad life and she simply replied, 'Becuase God knows she is strong enough to handel these situations.' Handle them meaning self harming? When I saw thoes cuts on her wrist I was mad. Mad at whoever made her cut. Mad at her life she had. Mad at her father. Mad at Brian mad at myslef and Grace. I was mad at Grace for trying to hide it, but she probaly only did becuase she knew i'd be crushed and she was right, I was crushed. I was mad at Brian and Richard for hurting her. And at Louis for scaring her and abandonig her when she needed him most. If its the Louis I know, who was my best mate, I dont know how i'd forgive him. Im more mad at myself though, for getting mad at her, becuase she could have been so over run with hurt that she cut. Cut becuase of me. No ones helped her, not even Amanda. Its the only way Grace knew how to handel her emotins. It hurt to know the know the girl I love cant exspress her feelings and cant help her feelings without hurting her skin. I hate myself for not being thier all of her life.


"Harry, bring Grace here for Thanksgiving, and her mum." Im on the phone with Gemma and my mum. I told them about Grace, with her permission she agreed as long as they didnt tell anyone else. Ive been asking for some advice. Gemma had a friend who used to cut and eventuly killed herslef and so she wants to make sure for all our sakes that does not happen to Grace. Becuase the meer thought of Grace leaving me like that makes me want to curl up in a ball forever and just hide.

"Yes! Ill have her mum help me plan a suprise dinner with her!" I suggest.

"Perfect bub!" I hear Gems voice.

"We can have lunch at my house and you can take her on a sweet date for dinner!!" Mum says.

"Yes! She would love that....."I say

"You love her dont you?" Mum asks

"I do mum I really do." I say.

"Within another year or so you can propse!" Gemma squeks.

"You and her are meant to be Harry. No matter the downs, I can tell you two will get through them and love eachother forever." Mum says.

"I sure hope your right mum." I smile

"I always am, arent I?"

"Oh Mum, Gem shes home!"

"Love you HAZZA" they squel.

"IS THAT GEMMA AND YOUR MUM?" Grace asks as she takes off her shoes. I smile and nood.

"Can I please say hi?" Grace giggles.

"Well I dunno, They have a bunch to do....."

"Son, stop teasing Grace and let her talk to us!" My mum laughs.

"Yes ma'am." I say scooching over to make room for Grace, who snuggles up aginst my body. I kiss her head and she starts to talk to Gem and my mum.

I love this side of Grace. The Grace thats always smiling and happy. The talkitive Grace who wont cry. The strong unbroken Grace. The Grace thats confident of herslef. I love all of Grace but this side means shes happy and that means Im happy.

Graces POV

"Harry?" I call

"Yea babe?"

"Does this look okay?" I ask. My hair is curled with skinny jeans, a purple lace top with white sparkly toms.

"No." Harry replies. So I take off the top.


"But it does not look okay." I complain

"I know....? It looks better than okay on you!" He replies with a grin on his face.

"Har, your really cute sometimes." I say

"Only sometimes?" He asks.

"Yeah, the other times you look sexy." I say.

"Look whos telling me Im SEXY!" Harry shouts.

"Harry!" I wine.

"Hahah, come on lets go sexxxyyyyy!" He says as I blush.

We are going to his mums and having dinner with Gemma, Kyle and my mum. Originally it was a lunch but Kyle had his parents side to go to so it changed,which was fine with me me cause I got to sleep in longer!


Were gathered around the table, theres turkey, potatoes, stuffing and all the little fixings. We say grace and lively conversation fills the dinning room. Gemma compliments my pumpkin pie and Red comes to have a talk with me.

"Oh my gosh! Soooo like you! Butter em up and make them think your miss.PERFECT! But soon youll brake all their hearts! Your soo overly selfish and self centered and its pathetic! Enjoy the spot light while it lasts." Its the only thing Red says the entire time but that one thing ruined my life.

Im pretty much silent the rest of the dinner.

"Babe, stay strong." Mom says

"I miss Ry though." I say

"I do too Grace." She says

"Im sorry mommy." I whisper like a child

"For what baby?" She asks

"For taking him away." I cry.

"Thats not your fault. You shouldn't balm yourself." Mom comforts me.

"But he said dont tell anyone and I told my journal!" I cry.

"You never told anyone about this kept quite....what happened?" She asks.

"For one, Im going to a consular, she really helped me... And second, I meet Harry. On the 27th I will have been dating him a year and in september I had known him for two years. Mom hes helped me." I tell her, tears rolling down our cheeks.

"Im proud of you." Is all she says before leaving me to go help Anne.

Harrys POV

While we say our goodbyes, Debby pulls me aside.

"Thank you." She says

"For what?" I ask

"For teaching Grace to love again. I know she still has trouble coping with her feelings, the self harm and all but your the only person whos been able to do something." She says

"You knew she cut?" I ask.

She sighs and nods

"She has since the end of 8th grade. We tried everything. She attempted killing herself....twice." Debby says choking on her words.

"Because of.....Ryan?" I aks

"She still thinks its her fault. Harry, she thinks she killed him." I smile and hug her. What did else did Richard do? What did Louis do? I fear of all the things that could have happened.... But the worst of it all, I fear my worst nightmares will come true. I fear that I will loose my beloved Grace in the midst of all this....I will try to stop it but Im not as strong as most think.


OHMYGOSH!! over 100 reads already....Thanks!! Hope you LOVE the story!!

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