chapter 4

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Harrys POV
I watched her walk away. Her long brown hair blowing in the wind. She looked so picture perfect. I turn around to walk back to Miss. Hanna's, pushing all thoughts of Miss. Picture Perfect out my mind.

I wish I could back home. No matter how nice Grace is. No matter how pretty she is I just didn't want to stay here.....
No matter how nice this place is.
No matter my past nothing will keep me away from England.

I start to sprint all the sudden. England. My home. The place were Amanda lives. She was my love. Still is. I don't care what her father thinks. Shes mine! I run faster and faster. A tear falls. I don't care. I miss Amanda. Thats why I need to go home.

Graces POV:
I saw him past my window. He looked broke. I wonder what was on his mind. Was he okay? Did he need my help? Did I like him? Did he like me? All these questions raced through my head and I hated it. I couldn't answer any of them.


"Grace, after work stop by my office. Please." Mr. Chase asks me an hour before my shift ends. I tell him I would then continue filling orders. Harry douse not show up that day. I feel almost sad.

What am I thinking and feeling?
Im loosing it!

"Mr. Chase? You wanted to talk to me," I ask as I walk into his office.

"Oh yes. Please Grace, sit." He gestures to a leather chair. After I sit down he continues.

"Um listen Grace. Dear please stay away from Harry."


"He's a bad influences. He will distract you from your work. He's a monster. bad new to you and this town. So thats why I say stay away from him Grace." Mr. Chase explains.

"Sir, if Harry is going to distract me from my life and take away my career, then I will take that risk.
Harrys no monster. He is kind and funny." I say.

"Whatever! Ruin your life if you want to! But if I were you I wouldn't hang around that monster!" Mr. Chase says.

"Well Mr. Chase Im not you plus I don't think I see Harry under my bed or in my closet. So he's not a monster. Hope this douse not get me fired, have a nice night sir." I say with a huge smirk on my face. Then I walk out of the Cafes doors and put that frustrated face on.

How can Mr. Chase be such a jerk to a human? Thats unfair he barley even knows Harry. It just does not make since. Ugh.

"Hello?" Harrys voice spooks me so bad I accidentally slap him again.

"OH MY GOSH!" I shout. "Im so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to!" I say ad Harry smiles and says he's fine.

"What were you thinking about?" Harry asks.

I hesitate my answer. "Just people can be such jerks and idiots to others when they don't do crap!" I say.

"Well than." Harry says.

"Sorry" I mutter.

"Its fine."

"Its just Mr. Chase keeps telling me to stay away from you. And I don't know why...." I finally tell him the full truth. Harry sighs then starts talking.

"Theres been issues where Ive been in and they have involved me to loose some trust and respect of people."

"Oh. Have you spent time in jail or something?" I wonder.

"No. It came close though this last time..."

"Oh my gosh. What happened?"

"I just was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Harry says clearly not wanting to tell me the rest. So I him tell okay and leave it at that. Then we get to the place where I turn left and he goes right. We tell each other bye and I start for my door to the apartment.

"Hey. Grace?" Harry gets my attention as I turn to face him.

"Look about me telling you what happened, I will one day." Harry says.

"Okay." I smile and then unlock the door to my apartment.

"Bye sexy!" I faintly hear Harrys voice and I yell "Peace" back at him. Then a small smile keeps plastered on my face for the rest of the night. And I love it.

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