Chapter 23

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Harrys POV

"Hey baby Im leaving for work!" I say pulling my shoes on.

"Kay Har Bear!" Grace says planting a kiss on my forhead. "By the way, Ill be heading out to the store to get some tea and other stuff! Need anything?"


"Well what do you need then?" She asks

"Some Dr. Peper and some smokes."

"Nope. Harry, I will not buy your smokes!"


"Ive told you before. I dont like you smoking! Im not buying them for you."

"Fine! Ill get them myself!" I say

"No Harry." Grace says with her hands on her hips.

"No what?" I ask

"Your going to quite somoking."

"No. I will not Grace."

"Harry, yes you will."

"No I wont!" I say

"If you love me youd at least try to stop." Grace says

"We'll maybe I dont love you." I say harshly before I even know what Im saying.

"Fine. You love you smokes more than me!" Grace says tears starting to slide down her face.

" Im sorry I didnt mean it." I say calmly to her.

"Just go to work Harry. Youll be late."

"Grace...." I beggin to say but decide to not argue anymore.

"Harry, we will talk about this when you got home." Grace says.

"Okay babe. Im sorry." I say kissing her forhead.

"I love you Harry." She wishpers.

"I love you too." I say with a smile on my face.

Graces POV

I know he tries. But its just so hard. I try hard to. I give him 100% of my effort and he gives me 80%.

"At least he gives you some Grace, You dont have to be so hard on him." My mind tells me.

But he hurts me so much.....I just wanna give up sometimes!

"Ya, like you gave up on Louis."

Louis. He was my first love. He was my bestfriend. But one day he just left me. He said he had another whom he loved. He was hnoust about it and didnt try to hurt me. I didnt care though. He left me. Weather he meant to or not. He still hurt me. So I stopped texting him and calling him. I shut out love because of him

"You broke his heart just like you break evey ones heart." My mind wispers in the back of my head. A tear falls

"Oh stop it sugar. Your pathetic, you make Harry want you, feel sorry for you. What if he knew? That all your going to do is hurt him?"

"Stop." I wisper. But this voice keeps talking

"Stop telling the truth? No thankyou." The tears keep coming.

"Awww our lil Grace is crying! 'OH Harry come here! Make me feel good!' Ha! your such a user Grace. Thats all you are. I mean your brother could have had a nice life and all but no. You decided to be all selfish and him be the hero! Becuase, 'Im too weak and fragile! Harry, can you do all the work for me?' You hurt pepole! Your a pathetic loser and disapoenmet!"

Finally I cant take it. I run to the bathroom and cry and cry and I see the blood.

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