Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Graces POV (July)




"Movies!" Me and Harry cant decide on what to do.

"Beach babe please!!" I wine.

"Fine you win!" Harry says.


"Love that suite on you!" Harry says. Were at a beach in California because we decided to take a lil vaca! Gemma and Hars Mum are here too. And Gems boy Kyle.

"Ya I know Im too sexy for you!" I say dancing a bit in the waves.

"Sexy!" Harry says. I blush wildly.

"Aw babe did I embarrass you?" He asks coming in for a hug. I act like Im about to hug him but right as a wave stars to roll in and I say "I know you fall for me!"Then I push him into the waves and run away giggling uncontrollably.

"Im going to get you!!" Harry laughs as he catches up to me. He picks me up bridal style and kisses my forehead.

Then throws me in the water.

"Styles! I just got dry!" I cry. I see Harry laying in the sand. I secretly grab the soft white sand and walk over to him. I sit by his head and start to stroke his hair. I bend over to kiss him and then put the sand in his hair. I jump up and start laughing.

"What the?" Harry stands up and the sand falls all over.

"You crossed the line! You touched my hair! I hate you!" Harry yells chasing me. He finally catches me.

"You don't really hate me do you?" I ask.

"In 20 years from now, I dont just wanna be a name. I still want to be part of your life. In 20 years from now I want someone to stop me on the street and ask me how Im doing. I hope they bring up your name. In 20 years from now, I dont want to answer, "I haven't seen her in ages" In 20 years, I hope to say, "shes waiting for me at home."

"I love you too." I say because I know thats what he was getting at. We just stand there smiling at each other.

"If I had I a flower for every time you made me smile.... Id be walking in a garden forever." I say


Harry and I snuggle in bed. He suddenly gets up and start looking through a drawer.

"Harry what are we doing?" I ask.

"Do you have a glue gun?" He asks

"Er no....why?"

"Well I just wanna glue our hands together like this forever cause I love it and I wanna keep you with me forever." Harry replies

"Okay we have to be the most oddest couple ever!" I say.


"Because we got all these cute quotes and stuff from tumbler or twitter or something." I say

"Ya but a bunch of people read those and say ya right, like Id say that or do that. Well not us cause we love eachother!" Harry smiles

"Did you make that up?"


"I have a good boy in my life." I smile. And Im not lying.


Hope you love all this!!! Ive worked hard!! Lol Ive been reading a bunch of love quotes and reading fan fic cuz they give me a tone of inspiration! Shout out to all those who write 1D fan fics so much inspiration from your guys books!! Love em all! Okay I may add the rest of 1D in this....they probably wont be famous in this book but idk if im going to add the rest of the guys into this....Also dont forget Brian isn't gone yet! Lol dont forget to vote!

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