chapter 5

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Mr. Chase's POV

Sometimes people are good. Others are bad and need to be put in a hospital or prison. Harry is a bad person. Grace is a good person. They are like fire and water. They don't mix. It's a ying and yang thing. Good always smashes evil in the end and both of these people will get hurt. I tried to help Grace and warn her. She didn't listen so plan B is in order.

Grace's POV:

Walking home from my friend Lizzy's, it was a nice night. Pleasant and peaceful. Suddenly, something goes over my mouth. It was such of a spur of the moment thing that I was shocked. I thrash, but hands grab me. They pull and drag me into the woods. The guy appears in front of my face and he's dressed in black.

"Hey sexy." It's a British voice, not Harrys though. The guy gets closer and he grips my hand behind my back. A shiny, metallic object is pulled out, cutting me on the wrist. I head butt him then my hand meets his cheek. I grab a branch and hit him again. I knee him in the groin so he falls down in pain. I then run. Falling and slipping in the dirt I run out of the woods and into the ally where I don't slow down. Then I run into Harry.

"Hey, Grace! What are yo-" Then we get out of the dark and he sees my torn jeans and scared face.

"Grace, are you okay?" Harry asks.

"He touched me Harry. He touched me!" I say scared as heck.

"Who?" Harry asks.

"I don't know. British voice. He called me sexy. But it wasn't you. Harry!" I cry. He lets me cry on him asI hug him. He cradles me for a second then takes me to Hanna's Hat place.

"Hanna? Miss. Hanna?" Harry asks. A plum little woman with white hair pops out.

"Harry? Who's this? What happened" Hanna asks.

"Her names Grace. She works at the coffee shop. A guy attacked her." Harry says. Hanna nods and takes me into the kitchen.

After she cleans me up she hands me some tea.

"Listen dear, whoever did this to you will probably not go away. He wants you for some reason. So take different routes all the time. If things get weirdd and it happens again, get the police." Miss. Hanna says. I agree then Harry walks me home.

"Harry, I just wanted to tell you thank you for being there. It's like God put you there for that reason." I say.

"You're welcome. I don't need my only friend here gone. And yeah, maybe God put me there." Harry says.

We get to my apartment and Harry and I say our good byes.

Bad guy's POV:

Crap. My second hand man told me Harry wasn't out there! I would have gotten her! Boss will probably want plan C! How many plans do we have? Ugh! Oh and plan C involves The coffee house crap.


Graces POV:

After two days of different routes and rarely seeing Harry, I felt extremely out of it. Then to make matters worse, we have a trainee. And I'm his trainer.


"Hello. I'm Brian." A tall brown haired guy says. He has a faint british accent.

Okay what is it with british accents? I mean they are everywhere.

"Hello Brian, my name is Grace. I'll be helping you learn the ropes of this place." I say tossing him an apron.

"Okay so we will make a mango smoothie first. It's pretty darn essay if you do it right." I say. Then showing him how to gather the mango juice and how to blend it with the ice until its the perfect mixture.

"Okay like this?" Brian tries it, naturally making a mess on us both. He takes a towel and wipes smoothie off my face getting too close for comfort. I push him away and start teaching again.

After I teach him all smoothie options and sizes. I put him to the test when Harry walks in.

" Hi Harry. This is Brian, he's a trainee." I explain.

"Hello Grace. Nice to meet you Brian." Harry says. His voice is dark and cold. The boys smile at each other then Harry orders a raspberry smoothie with whip.

"Here ya go." Brian says handing Harry his smoothie.

"Nice work Brian! Okay, go on home. I have to do some late work today." I say and then Brian leaves

"So Brain?" Harry asks.

"It's not that and you know it." I say.

"You're telling me he didn't make any moves?"

"Well he got pretty close so I pushed him away."

"Didn't smack him?"

"Surprisingly no." So Harry just glares at me.


"You'll smack me but not him?"

"Calm down Harry it's fine!"


"Would you like anything else?" I ask.

"Nah. I'm good." Harry replies as I smile at him.

He goes from smiley to glares in seconds.

His eyes from soft to cold.

I don't like it.

I love it.

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