Year 1// Charms

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Chapter song: Never Going Back - The Score

The next week went by quickly.

You'd learnt that Hogwarts had 142 staircases - luckily you didn't have to climb them to go to your common room. But you'd easily get lost when going to your lessons because the stairs changed all the time. You and Hannah had gotten lost on your way to Potions with Ravenclaw the other day, and Professor Snape took off 10 points each.

Oh, and the ghosts didn't make life easier either. They'd be floating through you and not have a clue about what was going on. Then there was Peeves. If you were just wondering the halls when you shouldn't be (i.e. when you were late for class) he'd lock doors and mess up the staircases so you'd get even more lost.

The most boring lesson was definitely History of Magic. Professor Binns was a ghost, and he'd just drone on and on, just reading from the textbook. It was a nice time to nap, except you'd have to face the consequences when you were set an essay on Emeric the Evil and Uric the Oddball (or something like that).

Harry didn't really get the chance to talk to you, except in Transfiguration where he tried to make small talk and failed miserably:

"So, how are you finding Hogwarts so far?" he asked quietly.

"PAY ATTENTION MR. POTTER! 10 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR!" Professor McGonagall shouted. You sniggered to yourself.

"Miss (L/n), what do you find so funny?" McGonagall asked you. You stayed silent.

"10 points from Hufflepuff." she said sternly. God, she was in a bad mood. Meanwhile, Justin glared at you as if you purposely tried to lose points.

By the way, Justin wasn't nice at all. He would always be complaining about homework and just generally being a brat.

On Friday, when you were talking to Hannah whilst having lunch, someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw Hermione.

"Hey Hermione!" you said. You weren't annoyed with her like you were with Harry. Well, you weren't exactly annoyed at Harry, you were just annoyed with him for ditching you at the boats and for saying Hufflepuff was essentially the worst house. But you couldn't blame him. He was new to this like you — he only said what he said because of what Hagrid told him.

"Earth to (Y/n)?" Hermione said waving her hand in front of your face.

"O-oh sorry," you said blinking a few times.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the library with me, Harry and Ron don't exactly like the library." she told you.

"Sure," you said with a smile. You turned to Hannah. "You can come along if you want too,"

"No it's okay. Ernie and I were planning to get the History of Magic essay done today anyway." Hannah replied.

"Okay, I'll see you in Charms!"

You and Hermione headed towards the library.

"I wish you had Friday afternoon off, we could hang out longer!" Hermione said.

"Me too; I have Tuesday afternoons off though." you told her.

"Yeah, with Slytherin right?" she asked.

You nodded gloomily. You hated Slytherin. There was this horrid girl, Pansy Parkinson, who sat next you in History of Magic; she'd be insulting you throughout the lesson, along with Millicent Bulstrode and the rest of the Slytherin girls.

When you walked into the library you saw some of the Slytherin group: Pansy, Millicent, Crabbe, Goyle and Draco. You turned around to leave before they could see you, but Hermione pulled you in and went to a table that was on the opposite side of the library.

You did some work, until it was time to go to your first Charms lesson. You said bye to Hermione and headed to Charms — without getting lost.

You saw Hannah talking to Susan so you made your way towards them, only to be stopped by the one and only: Draco Malfoy.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" you spat.

"Nothing, just wondering how you're doing in Hufflepuff. I'd leave if I were in Hufflepuff, wouldn't you Crabbe?" he smirked.

Crabbe let out an amused snort and nodded.

You just sort of stood there and let him say all these nasty things about your house; probably because you thought they were true. Hufflepuff was the house that got the most boring trait. The other houses got exciting traits: Ravenclaw got smartness, Gryffindor got bravery and Slytherin got cunningness. Then there was Hufflepuff. It just got the nice people. Even its name was lame: Hufflepuff. It sounded like the name of a cloud.

You did like your house though. You thought everyone was nice, and they deserved to be there (apart from Justin — what the Sorting Hat was thinking when Justin got sorted into Hufflepuff, you'd never know). Susan and Hannah had become your closest friends so far, and Ernie was a nice kid too. And you loved your common room - you'd get the smell of freshly baked bread every day.

But even though you'd been at Hogwarts for less than a week, you could tell Hufflepuff was essentially considered as the house for 'losers'. Even the great Harry Potter secretly thought so. You'd heard that Hufflepuff had always come last for the House Cup, so everyone assumed they weren't really good at anything.

Before you knew it, everyone was walking into class. You wished you had this lesson with the Gryffindors or the Ravenclaws.

You sat down next to Ernie when a certain Slytherin took a seat on your other side.

"Couldn't you sit somewhere else?" you hissed at him.

Draco rolled his eyes. "You know I would if I could." You looked around and saw that there weren't any available seats.

"Oh." you mumbled.

The lesson soon began and you were doing a simple levitation spell. You'd practised this in your dorm the other night so you'd gotten the hang of it. However, not everyone else did.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" you said, doing the swish and flick that Professor Flitwick taught you.

Your feather was first to go up, and everyone looked up in awe. You smirked at Draco who was struggling to just get his to hover.

"Well done Miss (L/n)! 15 points to Hufflepuff!" Professor Flitwick beamed.

You smiled. You wanted Hufflepuff to win the House Cup so badly, just to prove everyone wrong. But you had to take one small step at a time, and your first step would be to prove Draco wrong.

Forgotten Memories (Draco Malfoy x Reader)  DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now