Year 2// Strange Things

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Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. You stood before the Hogwarts Express once again, standing with your parents whilst they talked to Mr. Weasley about 'Muggle gadgets' along with Hermione's parents. You and Hermione were looking for Harry and Ron who should've already been here, considering Ron's parents, his brothers and sister were all here ready to board the train.

"Where are those two dimwits?" Hermione huffed.

"I'm sure they're here somewhere, it is quite crowded here, you know," you said.

Hermione just nodded, continuing to stand on her tiptoes to find the Boy Who Lived and his red-headed best friend. You were about to say something to Hermione when you were tackled with a hug.

You looked at your attacker: Hannah Abbott, one of your best friends who stuck up for you (most of) last year. "H-Hannah!" you choked.

"(Y/n)! It feels like it's been ages since I've seen you! How were your holidays?" Hannah said excitedly. Ernie popped up beside her.

"Hey (Y/n)," he smiled.

"Hey guys — yeah, my holidays were good, except — oh, yeah, Mum, Dad this is Hannah and Ernie, they're in Hufflepuff too." Your parents smiled at them warmly.

"We've heard a lot about you," your dad said. You hated when your parents said that, because, well, it's a bit weird if someone tells you that their kid has been talking about you a lot to them.

The train whistled. "That's the last call," Mrs. Weasley said. "You children better get on before it leaves without you."

You nodded and gave one last hug to your parents and ran on the train with Hannah, Ernie and Hermione. Ginny, Ron's little sister, also joined in behind you.

You took a seat with Hannah and Ernie, whilst Hermione went to look for Harry and Ron with Ginny.

As the train moved, Hannah and Ernie began talking about something you had no idea about, so you stared out of the window and enjoyed the view. Something about the green fields really calmed you down, despite the dull weather.

You pulled out a book to read — in fact, it was the one Draco managed to steal from you last year after exams. Draco actually returned it to you when you went to Diagon Alley to get your new books, particularly all those one's by 'Gilderoy Lockhart' that you now had to read.

Anyway, you'd gone to Diagon Alley with your parents to get the books from the second-year requirements list you were sent by owl. It was actually only two weeks ago.

Whilst you were in your first-year, your parents managed to contact the Ministry to ask if you would be allowed to open a Gringotts vault. The Ministry sent you a signed letter saying that when you take the letter to Gringotts, the goblins would help you out.

So there you went, to Gringotts Bank. Surely it was the oddest bank you had ever seen, what with the wonky structure that completely defied the laws of physics. But then again, this was magic you were talking about, and the staff of Gringotts were goblins, so you wouldn't expect anything less of them.

You and your parents had walked in (it was awfully silent) and went up to a goblin at a high desk. After handing in a form, the goblin led you to an empty vault, after which your parents converted a large sum of your Muggle pounds into Galleons.

As you left, you unluckily stumbled upon Draco Malfoy whom you hadn't mentioned to your parents for obvious reasons.

"What are you here for, (L/n)?" Draco spat.

You tried ignoring him and pushing your parents on, but they wouldn't have it.

"What gives you the right to be rude to my daughter?" your mum asked Draco with a furious tone in her voice.

Draco was about to say something, probably something very nasty like 'mudblood', when his father interrupted the conversation.

"Draco, there's no need for us to be associated with Muggles such as them." Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy said, nodding his head towards us.

"And what makes us any less than you?" your dad said angrily.

"Dad..." you mumbled.

"Well, for starters, we can do magic and you can not." Mr. Malfoy said matter-of-factly.

"My daughter has more magic than you or any of your family," your dad retorted. He clearly didn't understand how magic worked. You couldn't technically have more magic than someone, but you appreciated the gesture. But right then, you wanted to get out of there.

Mr. Malfoy just chuckled. "Muggle-borns such as your daughter deserve no place in the magical community, despite what Ministry workers such as Arthur Weasley may say."

"I'll teach you who deserves no place in the magical community --" your dad began until you dragged him out of Gringotts before the argument could get any messier. You feared that Mr. Malfoy would have an unfair advantage over your parents in a fight.

"Who was that horrible man?" your mum asked you. "And his son! I'd never raise any child as badly as that."

"Lucius Malfoy and his son, uh, Draco Malfoy," you told your parents. "They're very wealthy in the wizard world, and I guess they are somewhat respected, despite how nasty they are."

"Well, no one talks to my daughter that rudely." your dad said. You laughed.

Later on, when you went to Flourish and Blotts to get your books, you met Harry, Ron and Hermione, along with the Grangers and all the Weasleys (apart from Bill and Charlie). Harry got a lot of attention from Gilderoy Lockhart, who was now, apparently to be the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, after what happened with Quirrell last year.

And then, you met — you guessed it — Draco Malfoy! That brat managed to find you everywhere. But funnily enough, before he went to taunt Harry about his fame, he shoved a book into your hands roughly.

"This Muggle book is very boring, I must say," he muttered, before leaving you shocked. You looked down and you saw that it was the book he had stolen towards the end of your first-year which you thought you'd never get back. And it was in one piece!

So now you looked down at the book whilst sitting on the Hogwarts Express, recalling that strange event where Draco Malfoy may have been a little friendly or at least tried to be nice to you.

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