Year 1// Friends

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You'd spent about a day at the infirmary. Hermione visited you after every one of her lessons. Harry and Ron visited once or twice, so did Fred and George.

It was soon early November, which meant that it was Quidditch season! You were no longer bitter about Harry becoming Seeker; you were just excited to watch your first Quidditch game. You'd read all about it in 'Quidditch Through The Ages' (which you eventually did return to the library, and yes, Draco did finally get it) but now you got to watch it for real.

Just yesterday, Harry, Ron and Hermione had concluded that Snape was after something that the three-headed dog was guarding. They explained their theory to you, and to be frank, it had made sense.

Finally, it was eleven in the morning on Saturday. Meaning it was time for Harry's match. Fred and George were on the team too. It was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, and you sure hoped that Gryffindor kicked Slytherin's butt. Then you'd love to see the look on Draco's smug face.

You stood in the Gryffindor stands with Hermione and Ron, in full Hufflepuff winter gear. When Madam Hooch blew the whistle, fifteen brooms went up in the air.

Lee Jordan, a friend of Fred and George was commentating on the match. It was really intense, but when Gryffindor scored you jumped and cheered. You made eye-contact with Draco in the Slytherin stand, and stuck your tongue out at him.

Suddenly, you saw Harry and the Slytherin Seeker dive; they must've seen the Snitch. Then, Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain blocked Harry, causing Harry's broom to spin. Harry held on for dear life.

"BOO!" you shouted angrily along with the other Gryffindors.

Dean Thomas, who stood next to you, was furiously yelling, "Send him off ref! Red card!" You nodded enthusiastically. You knew your fair share of football rules, and Flint definitely deserved a red card.

"This isn't football, Dean," Ron reminded him. "You can't send people off in Quidditch — and what's a red card?"

After a few minutes of playing, Harry's broom was behaving strangely. It seemed to be trying to throw Harry off, zig-zagging and flipping upside down.

Hermione grabbed Hagrid's binoculars, and gasped. "I knew it."

She passed Ron the binoculars and then you. You saw Snape muttering non-stop under his breath.

"What should we do?" Ron asked.

"You like setting things on fire right?" Hermione asked you.

You smiled wickedly.

Before Ron could reply, you and Hermione had left. You weren't sure of her plan, but fingers crossed it was good.

The both of you managed to get to the teachers' stand, and you muttered the spell that had become second nature to you by now, "Incendio." Snape's robe was on fire, and soon enough, Harry was flying perfectly.

You and Hermione high-fived before heading back to the Gryffindor stand.

Harry caught the Snitch, albeit in his mouth, and Gryffindor won. You cheered loudly.

You said 'bye' to Hermione and Ron, whilst they were talking to Hagrid (who you weren't too close to like them), and exited the stands.

You saw Draco walking rather gloomily, probably because of the slamming defeat Slytherin just received. Nevertheless, you may have felt a little bad for him, however nasty he had been to you in the past.

"Hey, uh, Malfoy? Are you okay?" You asked cautiously.

He span around and gave you a deathly glare, before muttering, "I'm fine."

You looked at him for a moment. "You know," you said. "you shouldn't be so hung up over a defeat — it's not the end of the world —"

"Just shut up (L/n)," Draco grumbled.

"Just because Gryffindor won, doesn't mean you have to be so bitter." You snapped.

"What about your house? Not that you care — you just want to be a Gryffindor. But let's face it, you're not brave enough to jump off a cliff if it meant saving the day. You're just a nice Hufflepuff."

"I'd find another way to save the day without killing myself, thank you very much. And no, I don't want to be a Gryffindor, I'm a proud Hufflepuff. And I don't think it's good to be a sour loser, Malfoy."

"Proud Hufflepuff, eh? No one in your house even likes you, not that I blame them." he smirked and walked off.

You stood under the stands feeling a little miserable after that last comment by Draco. It was true; no one liked you.


For the next week or so you were still sad about Draco's words. You didn't really talk to Hermione, who seemed far too busy with Harry and Ron anyway to even care; something about some guy called Nicholas Flamel. Don't get me wrong, you weren't annoyed at Hermione at all. You just acknowledged that she was busy and made your peace with it. You hung out less with Fred and George too, you were never in the mood to pull pranks. And what was worse, you actually paid attention in History of Magic.

You had become the definition of a loner, and Pansy and her friends had taken it upon themselves to bully you about it.

"Got no friends?" Daphne Greengrass teased from her seat behind you.

"I mean she is a loner these days — who would want to hang out with her?" Pansy laughed whilst slinging an arm around your shoulder as you tried to get her off you.

This continued every History of Magic lesson, and in the corridors. It would be a lie to say that Hannah hadn't noticed you being bullied, and she really wanted it to stop.

One day, Fred and George invited you to eat dinner at the Gryffindor table. Even though you'd rather try and talk with Hannah back at the Hufflepuff table, you couldn't help but feel unwelcome there. So you gladly agreed and sat with Fred and George and their friends.

You got some nasty looks from some Hufflepuffs, though some did look sorry for you. You did you best to ignore them and put on a huge smile when you sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"So, how've you been?" Fred asked you.

"Absolutely fantastic." you replied slightly sarcastically and then laughed.

After dinner, you headed back to your common room, ready to snuggle up in your bed with a good book. The weather had suddenly become terribly cold, but luckily you had one of the warmest common rooms.

You walked in to your common room, and after getting the usual pissed off looks you walked into your dorm to find that you were alone.

You did your usual routine before you go to sleep and got changed into some warm PJs. You got into your bed and pulled out a Muggle book which you had brought with you from home. It had not been five minutes when Hannah and Susan walked in.

You gave them a small smile, before returning to your book. After a few more minutes, someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"Hey." Hannah said, looking at her feet.

"Hey." You replied.

"L-Look, I'm sorry," Hannah said. "I was horrible to you, I said some nasty things to you over just a couple of points."

You looked at her; it seemed she genuinely was sorry.

"I won't lie," you said, putting your book down. "It really was horrible of you."

"I'm so sorry," Hannah said, looking as if she was on the verge of tears. "Can we be friends again?"

You smiled and nodded, before suddenly becoming serious again. "As long as you don't mind me hanging out with some Gryffindors from time to time, that is."

Hannah nodded hesitantly. "It's fine by me."

From that night on, you and Hannah were friends.

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