Year 2// Pranks

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It was finally the weekend. It had been quite hectic since you got back to Hogwarts, especially with all the homework (you still had a Charms essay and a Transfiguration essay to write for Monday) you were suddenly being bombarded with.

There was also this first-year from Gryffindor, Colin something, who wouldn't leave Harry alone. You were walking with Harry to Herbology just yesterday, when Colin came up to him and said, "All right, Harry?" to which Harry replied, "Hullo, Colin," and he sounded exasperated. You'd found this funny, and teased Harry for having a fan. Harry, on the other hand, did not find this funny at all, and gave you a deathly glare.

Harry wasn't in a great mood, probably because of Lockhart, who was (from what you heard) a rather crazy man, contrary to Hermione's views. Apparently he let loose Cornish pixies in Gryffindor and Slytherins Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson.

Anyway, it was finally the weekend. Yesterday you heard that Quidditch trials were going to be on Monday after the weekend, after hearing the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain, Anthony Rickett (a seventh-year), complain that Gryffindor had got an early Saturday morning slot; Slytherin had gotten a slot after them and a Sunday morning slot to train their new Seeker; and Ravenclaw had gotten the slot after Slytherin on Sunday. This apparently meant that there were no training slots on the weekend left for Hufflepuff, meaning the trails had to be held on Monday after school time. That gave you the whole weekend to decide what position you wanted to try-out for.

You woke up early on Saturday morning, so you could sit in the stands and watch Gryffindor practise, since they were the best team at Hogwarts, even if they lost the Quidditch Cup last year. You could then get some pointers on how to play properly.

You jumped out of your bed and got some warm clothes on -- the weather was quite chilly. You took a notepad and pencil, dashed out of your common room and went to the Quidditch field and sat in a seat in the Hufflepuff stands.

The field was empty. Gryffindor was probably a bit late.

But Gryffindor didn't show up. It had soon been a whole hour; it was basically time for breakfast.

You decided to wait a little longer. Oliver Wood was probably explaining something to them in the changing rooms.

Half an hour later, Gryffindor came out. You saw Harry kick at the ground and zoom into the air, along with the other Gryffindor players. You sighed in relief.

However, before Gryffindor even started to play, they were disrupted by the Slytherin team, who were walking onto the Quidditch field as if they owned it. Oliver Wood shot down at the ground angrily, the rest of the team following his lead.

You couldn't really hear what was going on, but you knew something was up when you saw Draco striding through the Slytherin team to the front. They said something and held their brooms out, showing them to Gryffindor who looked dumbstruck. You eyed the brooms closely and gasped when you noticed that they were all Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones.

Suddenly, across the field you noticed a bushy-haired girl and a red-haired boy making their way to the two teams. Hermione and Ron. You got up from your seat and made your way to the steps and climbed down from the stands. This took you a few minutes — the stands were very high.

Just as you came out of the stands and stepped onto the Quidditch field, a loud bang echoed around the stadium and a jet of green light shot out of the wrong end of Ron's wand, hitting him in the stomach and sending him reeling backwards onto the grass.

You had no idea what happened, but before you could make your way towards them, Harry, Hermione and Ron were already leaving and the Gryffindor team was making their way off the field grumpily.

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