Year 1// One-Eyed Witch

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Chapter song: Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! At The Disco

"Using a Fire-Making Charm on another student!" McGonagall scolded. "What has this generation come to!"

"S-sorry," you mumbled, looking at your feet.

"What on earth made you want to use such a charm?!"

"Uh, well he stole my book — "

"He stole your book!" She exclaimed in disbelief. "He stole your book... and you think it is acceptable to use magic on him? Merlin's beard! 10 points from Hufflepuff!" McGonagall huffed. You winced.

"Do you have a free period today?" she asked.

"Yes Professor," Oh no. You did not like where this was heading.

"You will have detention in that time, I will send you an owl during lunch informing you about which teacher will be supervising you and which classroom." she said sternly. "Now off you go!"

You rushed out of the Transfiguration classroom. You were expecting to see Hermione and Hannah waiting for you, as you had Herbology again with them. Instead, to your dismay you saw an unwanted Slytherin waiting outside the classroom, with his gang and some Ravenclaws standing in their own groups. Looks like they were waiting for their Transfiguration lesson.

Draco smirked at you.

You frowned and shoved past him, heading towards Herbology again.

"So you've got detention," he stated. You continued to ignore him. "It's a shame really; I was looking forward to getting my revenge on you in our free period."

You noticed that his robe wasn't burnt anymore. He probably used a charm to undo your Incendio charm.

Draco continued to insult you as you walked. You'd read up some funny spells, and decided to perform one on him.

"Langlock." you said quietly.

Suddenly, Draco began to talk gibberish. "What's that Malfoy? Cat got your tongue?" you teased.

Basically, what the spell had done was glue his tongue to the roof of his mouth. That way, if he tried to tell McGonagall who did it to him, she wouldn't have a clue. Plus it was funny and he deserved it.

You laughed and headed back to your Herbology classroom.


You were surprisingly in a good mood in the rest of your lessons between now and lunch. Probably because of the hilarious spell you did on Draco. Your bad mood was now almost completely gone. In Herbology you got a few house points and redeemed yourself from your loss from earlier. Potions was a bit boring, but you were in a good mood so you didn't really care.

You sat at the Hufflepuff table for lunch and ate some pasta with a delicious tomato sauce when an owl arrived at your table.

"Who's it from?" Susan asked.

"McGonagall," you said whilst eating your food. You opened the note attached to the leg of the owl.

"You will be in the Potions classroom, tidying up, NO MAGIC, and will be supervised by Professor Snape." you read out loud.

Hannah sighed loudly. "Detention with Snape? That can't be good."

"Detention?" Justin said. Ugh. "Who's got detention?"

"None of your damn business, Justin." you spat.

"It's you, isn't it? I got points in Charms which you're losing!" he whined.

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