Year 2// Reputation

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Four long weeks had passed since the attack on you, along with Hermione and a Ravenclaw, had happened. Dumbledore had been sent 'away' by Lucius Malfoy. All Quidditch training sessions and matches had been cancelled, and students were required to be in their common rooms by six every evening. At the rate things were going, it seemed as though Hogwarts would be shut down for good if the culprit didn't step forward.

Draco hated it. Whenever he had lessons with the Hufflepuffs, his mind would wander to you. The image of you lying on the floor petrified had scared him, and even worse, it confused him. It all happened in the hour before the Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor match, so at that time you were supposed to be with your team. What's more, he even gave you that protective necklace, so why didn't it work? He racked his minds for answers. Was the creature too powerful for a simple necklace?

"Mr. Malfoy!" A voice interrupted Draco's thoughts, and he returned his attention to his Charms lesson with Hufflepuff. Flitwick had called out his name.

"Yes?" Draco asked.

"Please explain what the Skurge Charm is to your classmates." Flitwick said.

Draco was known to be good at all his subjects, only ever surpassed by Hermione Granger, so he couldn't afford to get this wrong. But the only thing on his mind was you, and that frustrated him. He could barely tolerate your presence, so why were you all he could think about?

Draco tried to think of anything but you. He finally remembered something of use, and proudly announced it to the class: "The Skurge Charm is for making things swell immensely. A counter charm does not exist yet so it is recommended not to use it on people."

Flitwick stared at him and blinked his eyes, surprised at his answer. "Ah...incorrect Mr. Malfoy. But that's a wonderful explanation for the Engorgement Charm! Does anyone else know the answer?"

Draco stared ahead in shock. How did he manage to mix up something so simple? In the end, Susan Bones answered the question correctly, earning points for Hufflepuff.

As the lesson was ending and students were packing up, he caught snippets of a conversation between two Hufflepuffs who happened to be your friends: Hannah and Ernie.

"You coming for lunch?" Ernie asked.

"I think I'll visit (Y/n), I'll join you and Susan in the Great Hall a bit later." Hannah replied.

"Oh... about that," Ernie said, before pulling something out of his pocket. "Can you leave this by her bed?"

Draco turned around to see what Ernie wanted to give you; it was the necklace. Draco's face contorted into anger as he stood up and marched over to Ernie and Hannah.

"What's that, Macmillan?" Draco snarled, eyeing the snake pendant that rested in Ernie's hand. Meanwhile, Ernie looked as though he was going to wet himself, and honestly, he may have already done so.

Crabbe and Goyle flanked Draco, a habit they were used to by now. They didn't know what business Draco had with some Hufflepuffs, but no one could deny that the two of them were loyal.

"W-what do you want Malfoy?" Hannah spoke up, trying to sound tough.

"Oh, get lost, you filth. I have business with your boyfriend over here." Draco spat.

Hannah and Ernie went red and blurted out a range of phrases, including: "He's not —" and "We're not —" and "She's not —"

Draco grimaced at their flustered faces. "Shut it, the two of you look foolish. Crabbe, Goyle, leave. I'll meet you in the Great Hall once I'm done with this twig." He gestured to Ernie and proceeded to grab him by the collar, dragged him out of the classroom, down several flights of stairs and to the dungeons.

Ernie was protesting and calling for help the entire time, but Draco made sure to go down a route with the fewest teachers and students. Draco pushed Ernie onto the floor.

"Y-you're the Heir of Slytherin, aren't you? You're going to petrify me! I-I'm a pureblood — I've done nothing wrong!" Ernie pled.

Draco simply scoffed and looked at the dark and damp surroundings, only illuminated by a torch at the end of the corridor. "This is where your friend got petrified, didn't she? What was her name? Ah yes, (L/n)." For some reason, Draco didn't like keeping up the pretence of not knowing who you were.

Ernie looked up at him, confused about what Draco wanted with him.

Draco continued and let out a little chuckle. "It's funny, really. Why was she even down here in the first place? Didn't she have a dumb match to play in? Or did you upset her?"

"W-what do you want with me?" Ernie managed to ask timidly.

"What do I want?" Draco pondered the thought, before turning around to grab Ernie again by the collar, and pushing him against the wall. Ernie let out a little shriek.

"I want to know how you got that!" Draco shouted angrily, pointing at the necklace that Ernie was clutching in his hand.

"It-it's (Y/n)'s!" Ernie whimpered.

"I know that, you prick!" Draco growled. "How did you get it off her?"

"She took it off!" Ernie said, terrified that Draco was going to murder him there and then.

Draco loosened his grip. "What?" He asked, far quieter than before.

"I told you! She took it off!" Ernie said desperately.

Draco looked at Ernie. This couldn't be the full story, but there was no way he could get it out of Ernie at this point. Draco let go and snatched the necklace from Ernie's hand. "If you tell a bloody teacher about this, I will kill you." He threatened, before leaving the scene.

Draco wasn't sure why he did that. He didn't care about you nearly enough to pick a fight, especially with a lowly Hufflepuff. He looked down at the silver snake pendant in his hand, and tightly clamped his hand around it.

Distracted, Draco didn't realise when he arrived at the infirmary. He stuck his head inside and saw several beds with petrified students, curtains drawn around them. Madame Pomfrey didn't seem to be around, but Draco guessed she wouldn't mind visitors.

He looked around for you, and soon spotted you lying besides Hermione. Your eyes were glazed over, and your arm was slightly outstretched. Perhaps if he didn't know you he would've joked around with his mates back in the Slytherin common room about how stupid you looked petrified. He would say that you and all the other mudbloods deserved it, or something along those lines. But you didn't deserve it, and it soon dawned on Draco that none of the petrified students deserved it. Even if he hated them, even if his father hated them, that didn't mean that their lives should be in danger like this. However, Draco had a reputation to keep up, and there was no way he could have a soft spot for a mudblood.

Draco looked down at the necklace in his hand. He wanted to give it back to you, but he hesitated. This was a chance. A chance to fix a mistake. If his Slytherin friends found out that he had willingly given you, a mudblood, a protective necklace, he would lose any respect he had from them. The consequences would be far worse if Draco's father found out.

Looking at you one last time, he shoved the necklace in the pocket of his robes, and walked away.

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