Year 3// First Day

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When you and your friends entered the Great Hall for breakfast the next day, the first thing you saw was Draco, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very funny story, and it was no doubt about Harry. You rolled your eyes.

You made your way to the Gryffindor table after letting Hannah know, and took a seat by Harry who was sitting rather dejectedly. Hermione and Ron appeared to be comforting him, to no avail.

"Hey!" you said cheerfully, making a point not to address Harry directly. "How were your summers?"

Hermione was about to tell you about her summer, when Harry interupted gloomily, "Miserable."

You looked at Hermione and Ron anxiously, all of you clearly thinking about what to say to cheer Harry up a little. You spoke up, "You spent a good chunk of your summer at the Leaky Cauldron, didn't you? That must've been so nice, all the independence --"

Someone from the Slytherin table behind you coughed and muttered in between, "Suck up."

The trio glared at the Slytherin behind you; you knew it was Draco, so you didn't bother turning around. You were not about to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got on your nerves. But, if anything, he was the one that was irritated by you sitting at the Gryffindor table, with none other than Harry Potter.

Fred passed the Gryffindors their schedules, "New third-year course schedules!"

You realised you should probably go to the Hufflepuff table soon if you were going to get your schedule.

"What do you guys have first?" you asked the three of them.

"Divination," Ron said, peering at his schedule.

"I've got Arithmancy too," Hermione added, taking a spoonful of her cereal.

You looked at her in confusion. "At the same time? There must be a mistake with your timetable --"

Hermione shook her head hastily and smiled at you. "No no! There's no mistake!"

You eyed her suspiciously, before shrugging it off. If anyone could do two classes simultaneously, it was Hermione. "Anyway," you said, standing up. "I should go get my schedule too; I'll see you all later!"

You joined your friends at the Hufflepuff table, taking a seat beside Oliver.

"Poor Harry," you said with a sigh.

"What happened?" Oliver asked.

"That rumour Malfoy's spreading about him fainting is really bothering him, and it's barely the first day," you explained.

"Apparently it's true, I heard from Neville," Hannah said in a hushed voice, leaning over the table. ("Really?" You said, surprised.) "Apparently Lupin had to cast a Patronus."

"What's a Patronus?" you asked, feeling a little silly for not knowing.

"It's like..." Ernie started, grappling at the air trying to think of an apt description. "... a manifestation of positivity, which is what Dementors feed on. If you cast one, then the Dementors feed on that instead of, you know, your soul."

Oliver nodded from next to you. "And they're bloody hard to cast! Not that I've tried... but I've heard barely any sixth years can do it, and only an Auror can cast a corporeal Patronus."

"So Lupin must be amazing," you said in awe, wondering what your new Defence Against the Arts teacher would be like, considering your first two weren't necessarily up to scratch.

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