Year 1// Christmas

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The weeks flew by after Quidditch season, and though you were at some point hung up over Draco's words, you had Hannah back, and some of your other Hufflepuff friends like Susan and Ernie. So you didn't care about him; you'd ignored him for the good half of a month, and now it was nearing Christmas.

You'd also managed to get into quite a bit of trouble by bewitching snowballs to bounce off the back of Professor Quirrell's turban along with the Weasley twins. This did not help improve your reputation in Hufflepuff however, and only made Justin be even more rude to you. But, Hannah didn't seem to mind, and liked to hear about what you got up to with the twins.

As the holidays got nearer, Hogwarts was getting festively decorated, and your common room was possibly the best place to spend the cold days. Sitting on a sofa, by the fire, wrapped in a blanket, reading a book was your definition of a good evening.

Last week, you'd signed up to stay at Hogwarts during the holidays. You were originally going to go home for the holidays, but you really wanted the whole Hogwarts experience, so you asked your parents if you could stay and they said yes. You'd never stayed away from home for so long, but it never felt like you were away. Hogwarts was the best thing that could have happened to you.

Meanwhile, Draco was teasing everyone who was staying during the holidays instead of going home — in particular, Harry. Harry didn't seem to mind though, he on the other hand seemed ecstatic to be away from his home.

Draco had possibly been even more unpleasant since the Gryffindor vs Slytherin match a month ago. He insulted you for being a 'mudblood' and an 'idiot' when he caught you in the library trying to wrap your head round a potion you had to write an essay on. His lack of respect towards Muggleborns deeply annoyed you, but you weren't in the place to teach him right from wrong. Everyone said he was great at Potions, but that was probably because his Head of House taught the class anyway.

Then, today in History of Magic, he passed a note around with horrible stuff written about you. It was eventually chucked at you at the end of the lesson, and when you read it you couldn't help but feel sad.

You stormed out of History of Magic into the courtyard and caught Draco insulting Ron about his family, and then Snape took five points from Gryffindor. This made you even more angry than you already were.

You stomped towards Draco, with his sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle.

"You bloody bastard!" You screamed at him. "H-how dare you!"

He just stared at you, looking slightly amused by your outburst. "How dare I what?"

"How dare you insult Ron like that! You don't give a bloody damn about others do you?"

"No, that's what Hufflepuffs are for." Draco replied. "Anyway," he began, turning around to walk away. "It's not like you're going to do anything —"

You tackled him to the ground in the snow.

Draco groaned, whilst Crabbe and Goyle just watched stupidly.

"I'm not just a nice Hufflepuff, Malfoy." you spat, walking off.


You headed to the library at the end of the day, to continue working on your Potions essay which was due tomorrow. When you walked in, you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione all collecting piles of books and laying it out on the table. It was an odd sight, especially seeing Harry and Ron looking very enthusiastic about books.

You approached them with a confused look on your face.

"Hey... what's all this for?" you asked.

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