Year 2// Incendio Again

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Word spread by fast: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley got to Hogwarts by a flying car. If the rumours weren't true, then the Howler Ron received in the morning confirmed them. You, honestly, were pretty impressed with them. It was a really long distance to travel, and for them to do it alone and not die — definitely impressive! Even Justin Finch-Fletchley was impressed and was rambling on about how amazing it is that they managed to do that.

Speaking of Justin, he actually apologised to you for the way he acted last year when you got to the Hufflepuff common room last night. You were actually quite happy with this, and glad to have made a new friend.

Hannah had pulled you aside after you had been talking to Justin for a while. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

"Oh, I was talking to Justin -- he apologised --"

"He apologised?!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, and he's nice to talk to, you know," you pointed out.

"I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now." Hannah huffed.

"Even last year though," you began. "He wasn't nearly as bad as Malfoy was."

"True." Hannah agreed.

Now, only twenty-four hours since you said goodbye, you were having your Transfiguration lesson with the Gryffindors. This year, you decided to sit next to Hermione, but boy, was that a mistake. She knew the answers to everything, and since Transfiguration was one of your harder classes, it didn't really help that she was so on top of everything.

Your problems weren't nearly as bad as Ron's. He had snapped his wand during his adventures in the flying car with Harry yesterday, and had patched it up with some Sellotape. Not very well, though. It kept crackling and sparking at odd moments whilst he attempted to transfigure his beetle. It was funny, but you shouldn't have laughed because you weren't doing that well either. Of course, Hermione did it in one go.

The lunch bell sounded, and you sighed in relief. You weren't sure how you'd manage to get through another whole year of school. Hermione showed you her perfect buttons as you walked to the Great Hall.

What. A. Show-off.

You headed to the Hufflepuff table and sat down next to Ernie who was talking to Justin about something. As you plopped onto your seat with a heavy sigh to indicate how tired you were, you accidentally hit the table with your elbow, sending the blueberry yogurt on the table flying at you, which you managed to narrowly miss, but unfortunately Cho Chang on the Ravenclaw table behind you got hit square in the back. You winced as you heard the bowl shatter and the spoon hit the floor with a clang. You immediately stood up and rushed over to Cho, who looked as though she was fuming with anger but trying to contain it as much as possible.

"Cho, I'm so sorry!" you said quickly, looking at her state. Her friends were just staring at what was happening.

"I-It's fine, (Y/n)." she said, but it seemed quite forced. Honestly, it looked like she wanted to insult you, but she held it in. Cho turned to her friends. "I'll be right back."

You sat back down at your seat and buried your face in your arms. "First day back and I've already managed to wreck it," you mumbled into the table.

"(Y/n), anyone could make that mistake, now finish your lunch so we can spend some time outside." Hannah suggested.

"Yeah, ok," you sighed. You wanted to tell her that not anyone could have made that mistake, only you.

You, Hannah and Susan went out to sit in the courtyard by some steps. Hannah seemed very interested in Wanderings with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart. You noticed a certain blonde boy approach your Gryffindor friends on the other side of the courtyard.

"Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?" his voice echoed. Crabbe and Goyle were flanked behind him, as always.

"Everyone queue up!" Draco roared to everyone who was sitting in the courtyard. "Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!"

That pathetic brat. All he could do was make other people's lives living hell.

Draco, Harry and Ron exchanged some comments before Lockhart showed up. He started talking to Harry about something, and you saw Draco slide back into the crowd.

That was it. You had a clear shot and you took it.

"Incendio." you muttered, before quickly putting your wand back into your cloak pocket and pretended to read a book.

The blue flames hit Draco's robe and lit them on fire. He screamed like a little girl. You couldn't help but giggle, getting Hannah and Susan's attention.

"I saw you!" Susan whisper-shouted.

"No, you didn't," you smirked.

Suddenly, someone yanked you by the hood of your robe and pulled you from your seat.

"I know you did this," Draco said angrily. You only just noticed that he had grown a little taller since last year, but it just so happened that you'd also grown a little taller, because right about now you were both more or less the same height, so he was a lot less intimidating.

"What did I do?" you asked innocently.

"You burnt my robe! Again!" he shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about." you turned away, about to return back to your friends.

Draco grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. "Hufflepuffs can't lie, you know that right?"

"Yes, and I'm not lying." you frowned, trying to hide the laugh that was threatening to come out after seeing Draco's reaction.

But you, being the Hufflepuff you are, couldn't pretend. You burst out laughing. Draco stood there a little confused what to say to you, and so eventually resorted to his regular comeback: "My father will hear about this!" and with that, he stormed off.

You went back to your friends and sat down.

"I cannot believe you did that, again!" Hannah laughed, recalling last year's memory.

"Got away with it this time, didn't I?" you laughed. This year wasn't going to be too bad.

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