Year 3// A Prick Just Like You

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So far, the holidays had gone fantastically. You loved magic, but being away from the Wizarding world and back in your Muggle one was refreshing. The weather had mostly been great except the odd day of rain here and there, but that was normal weather in England, so it didn't particularly bother you. You didn't go on holiday with your family this year because of some financial issues. You told your parents that Wizard flights were far cheaper than Muggle ones because the demand was lower, but they said to use this opportunity to enjoy England's summer for once.

This summer, your parents let you go to Diagon Alley alone to get your things, and this newfound freedom was surprisingly not all you thought it would be.

Last year, your parents said that you could buy an owl and a broomstick, but your dad had lost his job just when summer started, so your mum was doing her best to make ends meet whilst he still looked for a job. All this meant that the broom and owl would have to wait for the next year. Managing your own money, not getting tempted to spend it all on a new broomstick, sweets or any other junk, was actually quite the task.

It was ironic really; the one time your parents let you go out yourself was when there was a known mass-murderer on the loose, Sirius Black. His face was plastered on all the walls in Diagon Alley and he even featured daily on Muggle news channels. Some ghost must've possessed your parents into letting you go, because under normal circumstances, they'd be more protective than ever.

"9 Galleons, please." A little old witch said tiredly from behind the counter, snapping you out of your thoughts.

When you heard the price, your eyes practically popped out of your head as you fumbled through your purse trying to make 9 Galleons out of a handful of Sickles. 9 Galleons didn't seem like much, but it was roughly 45 pounds. You hadn't realised new parchment, quills and ink would be so expensive. You also hadn't realised you were nearly out of money. Some people queuing behind you began to throw rude remarks your way and telling you to hurry up.

Eventually, you managed to pay for your new items with the little money you had in your purse. You placed them carefully in a reusable bag your parents gave you as you began to head for Gringotts Bank to get some more money.

As you waited in a queue to get escorted to your vault, you pulled out the letter you had received from Hogwarts a week ago. It read:

Dear Miss (Y/n) (L/n),

Please find attached a list of your third-year requirements. Only the subjects that require new items have been listed.

Furthermore, September commencing, you will be permitted to visit Hogsmeade. A parent/guardian must sign the permission slip found on the back of this letter. Once signed, hand the slip to your Head of House when the school year begins.

Yours Sincerely,
Professor Minerva McGonagall

On the next page was a list of your requirements:

Numerology and Grammatica

Care of Magical Creatures
Monster Book of Monsters
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

The Dream Oracle
Unfogging the Future
Two large Crystal Balls
One medium-sized Teacup

As you rolled up the parchment and placed it into your bag again, you caught sight of none other than Harry Potter himself escorted out of the vaults by a goblin. It appeared he had withdrawn some money from his vault just now.

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