Year 2// Confused

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Madame Pomfrey bandaged up your ankle and gave you a single crutch, along with a potion that would speed up the healing process.

Anthony came to make sure you were doing fine, constantly asking Madame Pomfrey on whether you'd be okay for the Quidditch game next week and if you could get an extra dose of the healing potion so you'd be able to practice sooner. Madame Pomfrey quickly ushered him out, clearly annoyed with all the questions he was asking.

Harry, on the other hand, had actually lost all his bones in his right arm, thanks to Lockhart. You teased him about it, but you knew he was in for a rough night.

You didn't really believe Hermione anymore when she said that Draco was the one who tampered with the Bludger. Perhaps you did believe her at some point, but not after he helped you back on the Quidditch field. No Heir of Slytherin who's out to kill Muggle-borns would do that.

You were, however, confused. It had been a day since you suspected Draco, and you had already changed your opinion on him. Maybe you subconsciously never agreed with the trio and their antics, and maybe you only agreed with them since they were your friends.

You shook your head as you walked out of the infirmary and headed back outside to the courtyard; you didn't feel like resting in the common room, even though Madame Pomfrey had told you to do that. As you limped out, you saw the Gryffindor team hurtling towards you, dripping wet and covered in mud. You tried moving out of the way, but you lost your balance as they ran past you, and fell backwards and landed on the wet ground.

"Sorry (Y/N)!" Angelina Johnson called out as they rushed towards the infirmary, probably to visit Harry.

You sighed. Not one of them helped you up?

You struggled to stand back up when you saw a shadow cover you. It was Draco, with his platinum blonde hair plastered to his forehead because of the rain. He, like the Gryffindor team, was also covered in mud.

"O-oh, hi," you grinned sheepishly up at him.

He looked a little grumpy whilst he helped you up. His change in behaviour was essentially the cause of your confusion.

"Shouldn't you be in your common room or something?" He asked, annoyance laced in his voice.

"It's kind of boring there. I just wanted some fresh air." You justified. Draco simply rolled his eyes in response.

Then the weirdest thing happened: he walked with you all the way to your common room.

"Malfoy, why are you helping me?" You asked cautiously, trying to make eye contact.

"Don't misinterpret any of this as friendship, mudblood. You're hurt and I'm helping you, that's all." Draco replied blatantly as you reached the entrance of your common room.

Though you were hurt because of his use of the derogatory term 'mudblood', you had sadly become accustomed to it because of your Charms and History of Magic lessons with the Slytherins. You didn't let it affect you much anymore.

"Are you going to go in or am I going to get covered in vinegar again?" Draco asked, tapping his foot impatiently. You laughed a little, remembering what happened last time Draco tried to get into your common room.

"You can go," you told him. "I'll get in trouble with the Prefects if I show the password to a Slytherin, especially a Malfoy." You added that last bit to see if Draco got irritated, but to your surprise he was all doom and gloom. He barely reacted before walking away and heading down the stairs to the dungeons, where his own common room was.

You watched as he disappeared from your sight. Draco really confused you.


After sending an Owl to your parents (purposely missing out the part about the broken ankle), you attempted origami with random pieces of paper lying around the common room when your Quidditch team returned from Hogsmeade.

Since you were the only second year, you were also the only one on the team that didn't have permission to go to Hogsmeade. They usually went together on Saturdays, a team bonding time you unfortunately missed out on. The Weasley twins had shown you the secret passage into Hogsmeade last year, but you didn't really like going that way alone.

"Hey (Y/N)! How you doing?" Maxine asked you cheerfully as she sat next to you on the sofa.

"Yeah, how's the ankle?" Malcolm questioned, eyeing the bandage on your foot.

"It's doing alright, I think, but I can't really feel it. It's probably that potion Pomfrey gave me." You answered, lifting your foot up to inspect it.

"We bought you some stuff from Honeydukes!" Oliver suddenly said, grinning widely, nudging Herbert to give you them.

Herbert emptied out his pockets onto the sofa and your eyes practically lit up at the sight of so much delicious food: cakes, sweets, and bottles of pumpkin juice. They all gathered around you, just getting started on what promised to be a good party when the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff began to scold you.

"You'll get sick if you eat that many sweets in such cold weather! And you have a Quidditch match next week! Put them away! You'll have a nice hot meal at dinner!" She said sternly.

Everyone bowed their head as if to apologise for doing the worst thing possible. Unfortunately, Anthony agreed with Helga. "She's right! Best to stay healthy for the upcoming match — we can feast after!" You all sighed heavily.

"We really need to get a curtain to cover that portrait up," you joked quietly to Maxine, who responded with a soft chuckle.

The evening soon arrived, and you sat beside Oliver for dinner. You glanced over at the Slytherin table to see Draco distractedly looking in your direction, but you quickly dismissed it.

You returned to the common room with your friends and slept early that night, wanting to be able to return to your Quidditch sessions as soon as possible.

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