Year 1// Stupid Gryffindors

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Chapter song: Dumb - Todrick Hall

When Hermione told you about the incident between Harry and Draco in Gryffindor and Slytherin's Flying lesson (when Draco stole Neville's Remembrall), you just rolled your eyes.

"I know!" Hermione said, exasperated. "Harry could have gotten himself killed!"

"It's just typical," you said, frowning. "Obviously Harry would become Gryffindor's youngest Seeker." You couldn't help but feel a little jealous. You knew that wasn't the right attitude, and as a Hufflepuff it was definitely not the right attitude, but Harry got everything. Well, apart from his parents.

You walked through the library and found the book you were looking for: 'Quidditch Through The Ages' by Kennilworthy Whisp. You were determined to join the Quidditch team next year, when you would actually be allowed, so you had to do your research.

Suddenly, you came face to face with Draco.

Ugh. "What do you want now?" you said in bored tone, desperate to leave and curl up on the sofa in your cosy common room with the book.

"I want that." he simply stated, pointing at the book you had in one hand.

You stared at him dead in the eye. "No."

"Oh come on, what could you possibly need that for?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"None of your business."

"I don't like to brag, but I'm excellent at Potions, so I'll do your Potions essay free of charge, if you give me the book." He bargained.

"Done it."

"What about your Charms homework?" he asked, very desperately, but still trying to be suave.

"And why would I give it to someone who can't even perform a simple levitation spell?" you asked back, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not giving it to you Malfoy, deal with it."


"Seriously?! He offered to do your homework?" Susan asked back in the common room, laughing.

"Yep." you replied, laughing just as much. "Hey, I'm just going to head to the Owlery to send my parents a letter — I'll be right back." It was midnight, and technically you weren't allowed to be out of your common rooms past 10pm, but you hadn't sent a letter to your parents since you got to Hogwarts.

You quickly sprinted towards the Owlery trying to be as quiet as possible, when you saw Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville looking very suspicious and tiptoeing about the school. What on earth were they doing?

You decided to quietly follow them.

To be honest, after flitting about all the corridors, trying to keep up with them, you realised that you probably wouldn't be able to find your way back to your common room alone.

They all waited in the trophy room. You stomped towards them, frustrated at them for being out past hours (not that you weren't either) and also at them for getting you lost (though it was you who followed them).

"(Y/n)!" Ron whisper yelled. "What are you doing here?"

"I was by the Owlery, when I saw you four just sneaking around the school, when you shouldn't be!"

"And what about you?" Ron said back at you.

You rolled your eyes, but no one saw because it was so dark. "What are you guys doing here anyway?"

Harry was about to say something, when Ron butted in. "Malfoy challenged Harry to a wizard's duel here at midnight; I'm his second."

You had no idea about wizard's duelling but you just stood there accepting whatever nonsense Ron spouted at you. From your first week at Hogwarts, you'd learnt that it was a handy skill to have, since everything you'd pretty much learnt your whole life was a lie.

"Okay, then where's Malfoy?" you asked them.

"Yeah? Where is he?" Hermione finally said, looking equally as frustrated as you.

"He's late, maybe he's chickened out," Ron whispered.

Suddenly, a noise in the next room made you jump. Harry raised his wand in case it was Draco.

"Sniff around, my sweet, they might be lurking in a corner."

It was Filch talking to his cat Mrs Norris. Harry waved his hands madly at you four to follow him. You ran behind them, and poor Neville was quite slow — he had broken his wrist. Luckily, Neville was quick enough so that Filch didn't catch them.

"They're in here somewhere," you heard Filch mutter. "probably hiding."

You were terrified. Hogwarts was the best thing that had happened to you — and you didn't want to be expelled because of these idiots (though it was mainly Harry and Ron).

"This way!" Harry mouthed to you and the others as Filch got nearer. Neville tripped, dragging you down to the ground and crashing with the metal suit of armour. The clanging was loud enough to wake up the whole castle, and worst of all, attract Filch and his creepy cat.

You barely stood up when Hermione grabbed your hand and dashed off down the gallery, weaving in and out of doorposts and corridors. You went through a tapestry and found yourselves by a hidden passageway near your Charms classroom; how you ended up from the trophy room to the Charms classroom - which were miles apart - you had no idea.

"I think we've lost him," Harry panted.

"I - told - you." Hermione said between breaths. "I - told - you."

"You do know Malfoy tricked you right? That sneaky brat probably tipped off Filch that someone was going to be in the trophy room. But both of you are really thick for thinking that Malfoy would risk ruining his reputation for a stupid wizard's duel." you scolded.

Harry ignored both you and Hermione and went to leave. But, guess who had to show up? Peeves. He squealed happily.

"Shut up Peeves - please - you'll get us expelled." Ron said.

Peeves simply cackled. "Wandering around at midnight, ickle firsties? Tut, tut, tut. Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty."

"Not if you don't give us away, Peeves, please." you pleaded.

"Should tell Filch, I should," Peeves said in a saintly voice, but with a mischievous grin. "It's for your own good, you know."

Ron was losing his temper. "Get out the way," he snapped, swiping at Peeves.


You all ran past Peeves for your life and you slammed into a door which was conveniently locked.

"This is it!" you moaned. This is your punishment for following stupid Gryffindors late at night.

Footsteps neared to where you were.

"Oh move over!" Hermione said, pushing you and the others to the side. "Alohomora." she whispered.

The door easily swung open and you all filed into the room, panting.

"Gotta remember that one for next time 'Mione," you laughed. Wait what? Next time?!

The others weren't listening as they pressed their ears against the door listening to Peeves talking to Filch.

Suddenly, you heard a low growl just in front of you. You slowly turned your head towards it, whilst the others were too busy not looking, and saw a giant dog. You looked at the head nearing your face, when suddenly two more heads popped up on either side of the middle head.

You jumped backwards and screamed, getting the attention of Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville.

"(Y/n), what is it-" Harry began when he saw what was before you.

After your scream, the monstrous dog took some time to react - it was still in a daze. It growled loudly at you, and this time all five of you screamed.

Ron fumbled with the doorknob and you all fell backwards onto the corridor. Before the three-headed dog got out, you all pushed the door shut.

Before you even had a chance to regain your bearings, the others took off up the stairs, probably to go to their common room. You gave a small wave which they didn't even see and ran off down the stairs, towards the kitchens and towards your common room.

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