Year 1// Past Fluffy

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(1474 words)

It was exam season. You hoped all those weeks you spent memorising the types of vials and cauldrons, the Softening Charm, the Gargoyle Strike of 1911 and other things would be useful. Hermione obviously did some extra learning, enough to make you feel like you knew nothing.

The week went by slowly and painfully, exam after exam, no time to enjoy the wonderful weather outside. Hermione didn't mind, nor did Ernie or your other Hufflepuff friends.

When you did your exams, everyone was given a new quill which had an Anti-Cheating charm on it. Obviously, like many other students in your year, this took you by surprise when you tried (and failed) to copy the twelfth use of dragon blood off the one and only Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be taking the exams like a breeze so far.

If it wasn't already a stressful period, you had practical exams too.

Professor Flitwick called you one by one into his class to see if you could make a pineapple tap-dance across a desk. You managed to make it do a backflip by using the Levitation Charm, but you weren't sure if Flitwick considered that dancing. Professor McGonagall watched you turn a mouse into a snuffbox — points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was, but taken away if it had whiskers. Yours, obviously, had whiskers. Snape made you all nervous, breathing down your necks while you tried to remember how to make a Forgetfulness potion. Even Hermione was nervous.

Your very last exam was History of Magic. One hour of answering questions about batty old wizards who'd invented self-stirring cauldrons and you'd be free, free for a whole wonderful week until your exam results came out. When the ghost of Professor Binns told you to put down your quills and roll up your parchment, you cheered with everyone in the hall.

You ran outside with all the other students and joined your friends, Hannah, Susan and Ernie.

"We're done!" you shouted happily, slinging one arm around Hannah's neck and the other around Ernie's.

The four of you went to sit by a tree to enjoy the nice weather, when you remembered that you'd promised to spend some time with Hermione after exams. You apologised to your friends and went to find Hermione.

It was a little hopeless though. There were far too many students outside to even bother trying to find her, but you did try. You eventually gave up and sat at the bottom of a tree when you couldn't even find Hannah, Susan and Ernie again.

You pulled a book out and began reading, when you heard a laugh approaching you. Pansy, and with her, Draco and his goons. You pretended like you didn't hear and carried on reading, when your book flew out of your hands. You immediately jumped up, trying to retrieve it.

"Hey! Give that back!" you shouted angrily at Draco, who was now flipping through the pages of the book. He ignored you, and when you went to snatch the book back, he threw it to Pansy.

Before you knew it, this had become a horrible game of piggy-in-the-middle. Pansy threw the book to Crabbe who threw it to Draco who threw it to Goyle who threw it to Pansy who threw it to Draco who threw it to Crabbe who threw it to Goyle, and so on. Tears were welling up in your eyes, and you eventually gave up and stomped back to your common room to stay away from them.


That night you couldn't sleep. You needed to stand your ground more so people like Draco and Pansy couldn't push you around. You hated being weak and pathetic.

You decided to leave the common room for a bit to get some air.

As you strolled silently out, you heard a soft patter of footsteps and whispers coming from up the stairs. You cautiously tiptoed towards them, only to find, nothing!

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