Year 3// Game Plan

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Madam Pomfrey insisted on keeping you in the hospital wing for the rest of the weekend. You didn't complain or argue with her; you were in a lot of pain.

You had a stream of visitors, all intent on cheering you up. Ron, Hermione, Fred and George briefly came by, since they were also visiting Harry who was being kept in a different room to you. Meanwhile, your Hufflepuff friends, led by Hannah, smuggled some jam tarts from the kitchens for you. You grinned widely when they presented their loot to you in the afternoon — they were your favourite pastry. The Hufflepuff team also visited for a while and discussed the plans for your next Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Oliver made an inappropriate joke and got scolded by Cedric — nothing new there.

Draco Malfoy, however, didn't visit you again after you told him to leave. You told yourself it was good, but you still missed his presence. You hated it.

But it was a relief to return to the noise and bustle of the main school on Monday, where you were forced to think about other things. Pomfrey had healed you almost entirely so now you had to keep your arm in a sling, just like Draco had.

As the month went on, you spoke to Draco less and less. The only interaction you had was if Professor Vector made you work with partners in Arithmancy, which so far had only been once. He didn't come to you for Arithmancy help either, and a small part of you was relieved.

Another small part of you, however, missed him and his annoying company. But, you figured this was all for the best. After all, you didn't want to be friends with a two-faced idiot like him.


Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw was at the end of November, and your team was flattened.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Oliver called out to you as you were walking back after the match.

You turned and gave Oliver a small, half-hearted smile, feeling a bit disappointed in yourself in the match. "Hi, Oliver,"

Oliver caught up with you and put an arm around you. "You know what, I wouldn't worry too much about today's defeat. At least we've got one game in the bag — and that one was against Gryffindor!"

You were feeling uncomfortable. You still hadn't managed to fully get rid of your crush on Oliver, so you weren't finding this interaction helpful.

"How... uh, how is your girlfriend?" you asked reluctantly.

Oliver looked at you as if he was surprised you knew. He took his arm off you and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, yeah, she's good. Probably thrilled with today's match results since she's a Ravenclaw." he chuckled a little.

You tried to continue the conversation but were struggling, and it seemed that Oliver could tell. So he left you alone and you eventually reached the library and sat down at the back near a window. You pulled out some Potions homework and began working through it slowly.

But your mind was distracted. All you could think about was Oliver. You didn't want to like him but you did, and you were finding yourself hating his Ravenclaw girlfriend more and more for no reason at all.

You forced yourself to look back at your Potions homework. It wasn't making sense to you like it usually did. It was never your strongest subject, but you weren't bad at it. And the culprit for this was the one and only, Oliver.

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