Year 3// Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor

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The school talked of nothing but Sirius Black for the next few days. The theories about how he had entered the castle became wilder and wilder; Hannah spent much of your next Herbology class telling anyone who'd listen that Black could turn into a flowering shrub.

Your crush on Oliver was proving harder to get rid of than you originally thought. Whenever he'd so much as look at you, you'd get butterflies in your stomach, even though you knew that you had to stop. You still had the Love Potion you bought from Hogsmeade, and every now and then you'd consider using it on Oliver. You knew better, of course.

Meanwhile, Draco would still ask for help in Arithmancy but or than that, he barely acknowledged you. You didn't quite understand why: maybe you said something in your sleep that really insulted him? Hannah did often tell you that you sleep talked. If that was the case, perhaps you owed Draco an apology.

You spent the next few weeks trying to get a word in with Draco, only to fail miserably:

"Hey, Malfoy, I —" you had started in your Arithmancy lesson.

"Miss (L/n)! Even if you are one of the top students in this class, that does not mean you can avoid paying attention to me," Professor Vector scolded.

"Uh — I — um, yes, Professor," you stuttered, surprised at her hidden compliment. You had remained quiet for the rest of the lesson.

Then, in your Divination class a few days later, you thought you'd try confront Draco again, only to be interrupted by Professor Trelawney this time.

"Dreadful things are coming your way, dear!" She proclaimed.

You rolled your eyes, whilst much of the class laughed. Everyone was becoming accustomed to her wild predictions and didn't take any of them too seriously anymore.

When you looked back to where Draco had previously been standing, he was gone. You sighed heavily.

Now, your first Quidditch match against Gryffindor was nearing, and stress levels were high. Harry told you miserably one afternoon that a teacher was always monitoring his training sessions and Gryffindor wasn't allowed to train past eight in the evening as it got too dark. It turned out that Sirius Black was out to kill Harry, which didn't particularly take you by surprise, since there was always someone out to kill Harry once a year.

During training, you got scolded by Cedric and Maxine for not paying attention; a Bludger almost hit you in the head if it wasn't for Ben, the new Beater. Little did they know it was because you were absent-mindedly staring at Oliver.

Just because you were busy with school, homework and Quidditch practice, it didn't mean that you would stop trying to get a word in with Draco. It was still proving to be a very difficult task, which was surprising since you always bumped into Draco when you didn't want to.

The weather was worsening, and it became clear to you and the Hufflepuff team that this was why Slytherin still didn't want to play Gryffindor despite Draco's recovery. He still kept his arm in that stupid sling, pretending his injury was far worse than it actually was.

"How on Earth will we even be able to play in this weather tomorrow?" Malcolm complained, peering out of a window in the Hufflepuff common room one evening as the rain poured and thunder boomed.

"Merlin knows how..." Maxine agreed, shivering slightly as she pressed a cup of hot chocolate to her lips.

You were sitting next to Tasmin Applebee, the second year Keeper. The two of you didn't talk too much, so you were currently helping her with her Transfiguration homework in an attempt to get to know her a little better.

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