Year 2// Un-petrified

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Another two weeks rolled by, and Harry Potter and Ron Weasley miraculously saved the day once again.

Dumbledore had organised a special Hogwarts feast, far bigger and greater than ever before. Everyone was in the happiest of spirits, since word had gotten out that Harry found the Chamber of Secrets and defeated the Heir of Slytherin. What's more, this was definitely not a normal feast: celebrations lasted all night, and everyone was in their pyjamas.

You arrived at nine along with Hermione and Justin, two hours into the feast. When you were healed, Madam Pomfrey told you how Harry saved the day, so you were excited to go thank him.

You ran into the hall towards the Gryffindor table excitedly besides Hermione who was screaming, "You solved it! You solved it!" Justin also ran up to Harry to apologise to him for suspecting him. You gave Harry a huge hug.

"Thank you so much! For everything!" You grinned, before pulling Ron into the hug too.

Draco was watching the scene play out. Secretly, even he was glad that Harry fixed the mess that his father made. Draco shoved some food into his mouth and smiled slightly when he saw you laugh and talk to all your friends.

"What're you looking at Potter for?" Blaise piped up, elbowing Draco's side.

"W-what? I am not!" Draco protested. He was looking in Harry's direction, but not at him.

"Does Malfoy have a crush on Potter?" Blaise teased.

"Zabini, you'll wish you never said that!" Draco roared before lunging at Blaise and tackling him to the ground.

No one seemed to notice the commotion at the Slytherin table through the cheers for Gryffindor securing the House Cup for the second year running because of Harry's and Ron's combined four-hundred house points. McGonagall stood up to tell the students that the exams had been cancelled as a school treat ("Oh, no!" said Hermione), and Dumbledore announced that, unfortunately, Professor Lockhart would be unable to return next year, owing to the fact that he needed to go away and get his memory back. Quite a few of the teachers joined in the cheering that greeted this news.

"Shame," said Ron, helping himself to a jam doughnut. "He started to grow on me."

After the teachers' speeches, you rushed to see your friends on your Quidditch team.

"Anthony! Maxine!" You shouted, running up to them. Their faces instantly lit up and jumped from their seats to give you a hug.

"(Y/n)! You're alright!" Malcolm cheered.

"Of course I am!" You said proudly with a smirk, making them all laugh. "But, sorry for not turning up to the match...and getting annoyed at all of you..."

"Oh, (Y/n), we totally forgot about that," Herbert grinned. "But, now that you mention it, I guess you owe us, don't you?"

"Herbert!" Maxine said angrily, punching him on his arm.

"Ow!" Herbert pouted. "I just meant she could buy us some sweets from Honeydukes —"

Maxine flicked his forehead with her finger. "You herb, she was petrified!"

You turned to Anthony and began rambling, "I really am only got to play one match this year because of me! And it was your last year here! And you're going to be a Quidditch player, so you need all the practice you can get —"

Anthony pulled you into a bear hug. "Hey, don't sweat it. I'm just glad that you're okay! Just make sure to keep in touch, alright? I'll invite you to all my matches."

You nodded with a wide smile.

Suddenly, someone tapped you on the shoulder. It was Hannah, Ernie and Susan.

"What do you want?" You scowled at them.

"We're sorry." Ernie said quietly from the back. "I really, really am an awful friend. It was a jerk move of me to accuse you...and when you got petrified, I thought it was my fault —"

"It was your fault." You bluntly said, cutting off Ernie. You took a breath. "But, I forgive you. I'm not going to lie, it'll be hard to go totally back to normal after all of this, but if any of you dare pulling something like that again, I won't hesitate to cut you off. You hear me?"

They all nodded enthusiastically, but Hannah pulled you into a hug, sobbing into your shoulder. "I-I'm so sorry, (Y/n)! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

You smiled. Though Hannah had suspected you, you knew that she was hesitant all along. "You sure do some mean things just to hang out with your crush, don't you?" You whispered into her ear with a smirk.

Hannah's eyes widened in shock. "H-how did you — I never —"

"You sleep talk." You smirked before quietly teasing her, "Oh Ernie, you're my one true love, I looooove you —" Hannah clasped a hand over your mouth and pushed you away from Ernie and Susan.

"Just wait till you have a crush! I won't let you live it over!" She hissed, making you giggle. You were glad to have her back.

The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal with only a few, small differences — all Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were cancelled and Lucius Malfoy had been sacked as a school governor. Draco was no longer strutting around the school as though he owned the place. On the contrary, he looked resentful and sulky. He didn't really acknowledge you, not that he ever did, but now more than ever, it seemed as though he was avoiding you. Ernie told you to stop worrying about that, he said it was better if Malfoy left you alone. You had eventually sighed in agreement.

Too soon, it was time for the journey home on the Hogwarts Express. You, Ernie, Justin, Susan and Hannah had a compartment all to yourselves. You made the most of the last few hours in which you were allowed to do magic before the holidays. You played Exploding Snap, played some Muggle car games, and practiced disarming each other by magic. You was getting very good at it.

Arriving at the platform, you met your parents who seemed to almost be in tears.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" Your mum pulled you into a hug. Over her shoulder, you saw the Malfoys walking together to the exit. Draco briefly looked at you, and made a rather ugly face of disgust in your direction, which you were rather taken aback by.

You had an idea. You were technically still allowed to use magic, since you were still at the station. You tore yourself away from your mum and told her and your dad to hurry along and to leave the Platform. Once you got close enough to Draco, you lowly held your wand and muttered a charm.


Blue flames erupted on the edge Draco's shirt and he jumped up and down like a ferret. You smirked and tugged your parents past the scene, leaving the Malfoys to deal with the consequences of their son being on fire.

"Have a good summer Draco!" You shouted at him with a wide grin and a big wave, vanishing through the magical wall.

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