Year 1// Colloshoo

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The holidays were over before you knew it. During the holidays, according to Ron, Harry had been sneaking out every night to see the 'Mirror of Erised', in which Harry could supposedly see his parents. You felt really bad for him. He had never even known his parents. Hermione found out sooner or later about what Harry had been up to, and she scolded him from being out past curfew. Oh Hermione. But that wasn't it for Hermione. She gave the three of you an earful when she found out you hadn't found out who Nicolas Flamel was.

Harry and the Weasley twins were busy with Quidditch practise, so you didn't spend much time with them. Hannah hung out with you though, so it wasn't all bad.

"So, do anything fun over Christmas?" Hannah asked as you slouched on the sofa in the common room.

"Ron taught me and Harry to play wizard's chess, and on Christmas we all played in the snow, but that's about it I guess. You?"

"Wizard's chess! My mum is the best at wizard's chess," Hannah answered. "But yeah, I just spent time with family."


The following day you went to the library to see if you could find out anything about Flamel.

You pulled out various books, and stacked them in your arms, as you waddled around trying to find more books. You probably looked really weird, what with the huge pile of books that you were struggling to carry.

"Hey, do you need some help?" you heard a voice say. You tilted your head and saw Neville.

"Uh, yeah, that would be nice," you said as he took some of the books from your arms.

You sighed. "That was a big pile,"

"Yeah, why do you need all these books anyway?" Neville asked as you walked out of the library.

"Oh, nothing much! I'm just, uh, interested in learning more about the wizarding world." you tried to explain without mentioning Flamel.

"By reading 'Famous Fire-Eaters'?" Neville questioned with a slight laugh. He was not convinced.

"Oh, you know, I'm just curious —"

"Look what we have here," someone said. You looked up and saw Draco. "(L/n)'s got a boyfriend!"

Draco and Pansy laughed.

"You make the perfect match!" Draco continued to tease. You gritted your teeth.

"Is (L/n) getting angry? Why don't you curse us then? We'll give you a head start, I promise." Pansy said as if she was talking to a baby. You tried to keep your cool but you just couldn't.

"Stop it," Neville said quietly. Draco and Pansy laughed.

"And we're supposed to listen to you?" Draco said, amused. "You know, I learnt this curse over the holidays, and I've been looking for someone to try it on."

"Don't you bloody dare," you said, pulling your wand out with your right hand, whilst holding the books with your left.

"Oh my god, I'm so scared!" Pansy teased.

"Colloshoo!" you shouted, pointing at Pansy. Pansy laughed at the funny sounding spell which seemingly did nothing to her, but soon she screamed when she couldn't move her feet. You'd learnt this Stickfast Hex from the book Hermione got you for Christmas — it sticks the victims shoes to the ground.

Before you could laugh in victory, Draco hit Neville with the curse he wanted to 'try'.

"Locomotor Mortis!" he said. Neville's legs stuck together instantly, and he collapsed to the ground.

Draco's then somehow undid the hex you cast on Pansy, and the two of them ran away.

You went to help Neville. "Sorry Neville," you said.

"It's fine," he sighed. "I'm used to it I guess."

"Let me help you to your common room, Hermione'll know how to undo it." you said, putting the books back inside the library, asking Madam Pince to reserve them for a bit.

Neville hopped as he slung his arm around your shoulder, and the two of you finally managed to get to the Gryffindor common room. He went inside and said 'bye', as the Fat Lady didn't want you inside the common room anymore. She was probably just having mood-swings.


Next morning in History of Magic, you were actually paying attention, because you had jokingly written in a letter to your parents that History of Magic was the most boring lesson ever, and that you barely paid attention. Boy, what a mistake. They somehow managed to send a Howler - you weren't even sure how they even knew what it was, let alone how to send one - which gave you an earful. That was enough to make you pay attention in History of Magic.

Anyway, in History of Magic, as you were taking notes (for once), you overheard Draco joking about how "Potter won't turn up for the Quidditch match because Snape's refereeing! What a baby!" and "Even if he does show his ugly face, Gryffindor has no chance of beating Slytherin in the running for the house championship." You tried to ignore it, and you did, but during Transfiguration with Gryffindor, you managed to slip a note to Harry telling him to go to the Quidditch match (you were aware that he wanted to back out because of Snape, and Hermione and Ron were convincing him to miss it too). You weren't sure how you managed to send the note without catching McGonagall's attention; perhaps it was to do with hanging out with the Weasley twins so much.

Before the match began, you spoke to Ron and Hermione; they were practicing the Leg-Locker Curse Draco had used on Neville yesterday, because they suspected Snape was up to no good. But who'd blame him? With his dull expression and greasy hair, anyone would think he was up to something.

You went to the Hufflepuff stands to cheer your house. You wanted Hufflepuff to win so badly, but if Gryffindor won, then Draco would finally shut up about how amazing his house was. In the long term, if Hufflepuff won this game, it would have no profound effect on anything, whereas if Gryffindor won, then a house will have finally beaten Slytherin after seven years. It was a hard decision, but ultimately, it would be better if Gryffindor won. But, nonetheless, you cheered loudly for the Hufflepuff team.

As the match began, you noticed Draco in the stands where Ron, Hermione and Neville were, rudely pushing himself past them. Ron and Hermione didn't for a moment tear their eyes from Harry, but seemed to continue to trash-talk Draco. Even Neville seemed to say something bold. You beamed happily across the stands.

When you did look back at the game, Hufflepuff had apparently been awarded two penalties by Snape for no reason at all. That was great and all, and everyone in your house seemed to suddenly love Snape and think he was the best teacher ever, but you knew better. Snape was just being nasty to Gryffindor, whether it was because of his vendetta against Harry which Ron and Hermione believed, or because of his own personal reasons. Unless he was simply blind; in that case, you understood his reasoning behind the 'unfair' penalties given to Hufflepuff so far.

Suddenly, Harry had gone into a spectacular dive, which drew gasps and cheers from the crowd and caught the Snitch. Your house seemed slightly disappointed that the Hufflepuff Seeker had not spotted the Snitch first, but still, they cheered Harry on. You shared their disappointment; no one seemed to understand that Hufflepuff tried really hard, but barely ever won or earned recognition, and still they were great team players. You smiled at the thought.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you saw Ron tackle Draco to the ground, and you snorted with laughter. Whatever the context was, it was nice to see Draco getting what he deserved.

You turned to Hannah with a grin as the two of you left the stands to congratulate the Gryffindors, "You know what Gryffindor winning means? Slytherin is no longer in the lead!" you jumped, trying to cheer Hannah up about Hufflepuff's loss.

Hannah laughed. "Yeah, I guess there's an upside to everything,"

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