Year 2// Trials

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The weekend flew by. You managed to finish both your Charms and Transfiguration essays and still have enough time to practise for the Quidditch trials. Your Hufflepuff friends were extremely supportive and so was Harry when you finally managed to speak to him.

It was now Monday, meaning Quidditch trials were after school hours. You were extremely stressed by the time it was lunch — you really wanted to be on the Quidditch team. You'd try again next year if you didn't get in, so it's okay.

After your last class, which just so happened to be Defence Against the Dark Arts with Lockhart, (who, by the way, was an awful teacher) you quickly rushed to the changing rooms and got into your borrowed Quidditch gear.

You grabbed a broom from a cupboard and mounted it, ready to begin the trials.

As you shot up, you heard a whoop of laughter. You turned your head to the Slytherin stands, where the noise came from. There sat Draco, his cronies and the Slytherin team. You ignored them.

"If you're on the Hufflepuff team, (L/n), you'll embarrass your house, even if they never win!" Draco shouted. You gritted your teeth and acted like you didn't hear him. You wouldn't let him get to you.

Trials began, and Anthony explained the rules. You and two other boys from third-year were trying out for Chaser. There were two open positions, so it could be any two of you. You were admittedly nervous, but you greeted them with a smile anyway.

People had tried out and been selected for Keeper and Beater, and now it was your turn.

"Okay," Anthony called. "Munslow, Rivers, (L/n), each of you will attempt to get as many goals with the Quaffle as possible in two minutes. Herbert will be Keeper. Munslow, up first."

Gregory Munslow went up and managed to score 12 times, but Herbert blocked 16 other attempts. Nevertheless, Anthony was impressed and noted something on his clipboard.

Oliver Rivers went next. He scored 18 times, Herbert only blocked 11 other attempts. You were getting nervous.

You flew up slowly, your hands shaking due to your nerves. The stopwatch started. You got the Quaffle and bounced it on the back of your broom and swung at it; you watched as it was about to go in, when Herbert pushed it out of the way. You heard 'boos' and laughs from the Slytherins as you dove to catch the Quaffle and tried to get it into the hoops again. The Slytherins were very distracting, and you missed again.

And again.

And again.

"There's no point in trying, mudblood!" you heard Draco shout.

Tears threatened to come out of your eyes. You were really angry now, you'd prove the idiot wrong.

You caught the Quaffle in your arms and threw it with full force at the hoops. It went in! You fist pumped the air as you tried again. You got it.

It was hard, but you got it in 15 times, once after accidentally sending Herbert and his broom spinning.

After the trials were over, Anthony announced the new team.

"So the Keeper is Herbert Fleet, the Beaters are myself and Maxine O'Flaherty, Seeker is Cedric Diggory, and the Chasers are Malcolm Preece, Oliver Rivers and (Y/n) (L/n)." Everyone clapped, even those who didn't get on the team were happy.

You saw all your friends standing in the stands clapping for you. You smiled widely.

"Practice starts tomorrow lunch -- make sure you're on time." Anthony said.


After you got changed, you had some words to say to Draco.

You saw him walking with his supposed friends towards the courtyard. You clenched your fists angrily.

"Malfoy!" you shouted. He ignored you. You ran up to him and stood in front of him.

"What is it, you filthy little mudblood?" he spat. You winced at his words, but didn't let them get to you.

"Malfoy -- you think it's okay to call someone a 'mudblood' and get away with it? Well, it's not! It's a right foul thing to call someone, and just goes to show how nasty you are! You know, I could hex you so badly you wouldn't even be able to go running to your father like the wimp you are, but I won't because I would never in my life stoop so lowly as yourself."

Draco opened his mouth to say something, but you started talking before he could even formulate a sentence. "And another thing: us Muggle-borns are just as equal as you, so don't you dare say otherwise. I could manage surviving in both the Muggle world and the wizard world, whereas spoilt brats such as yourself wouldn't even survive for a bloody minute if you were in the Muggle world. You wouldn't even know how to cross a road without getting run over."

He opened his mouth again, this time ready to say something, but you cut him off. "Oh, don't even bother saying anything to me, Malfoy, I don't think your father would appreciate you wasting your time with the likes of me, would he?" Malfoy was at a loss for words. So were his friends by the looks of it.

You turned around and began to walk away, when you remembered something. "I forgot to say: thanks for insulting me during the trials -- it really encouraged me to prove you wrong."

And with that, you left.

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