Year 1// Incendio

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Chapter song: Burn the House Down - AJR

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), wake up!" Hannah screamed at you.

"Go away Hannah..." you grumbled, pulling the covers over your face. Going to sleep so late was really not your thing.

"You'll be late for History of Magic! You've already missed breakfast," she said.

"I don't care about History of Magic," you replied. "Now leave me alone."

"Fine. Lose points from Hufflepuff and see if I care." Hannah huffed and shut the dorm door behind her.

You'd missed breakfast. How late was it? You checked your watch to see that it was 8:45am. Hannah wasn't kidding when she said you would be late for History of Magic. Not that you gave a bloody damn about what Binns went on about in the lessons, but you didn't want to lose points or get detention for being late.

You shuffled out of bed and quickly got changed into your Hufflepuff uniform and brushed your teeth. Your hair was still a mess, but there was no time to sort it out so you tied it into a messy ponytail hoping it looked alright.

You ran up to Professor Binns' classroom, right on time. Phew.

"Look who decided to show up," Hannah laughed, coming over to you with Ernie by her side.

"Hey guys," you greeted. "I'm not late." you pointed out.

"Where were you last night?" Ernie asked. "We were playing a Muggle board game called Monopoly in the common room."

"Oh just... wandering." you said with a chuckle.

Seems like that idiot Justin heard you, because he suddenly butted into your conversation.

"Wandering? Where? You're going to make us lose the house cup!"

Not like we win it anyway, you thought moodily.

"What?" Justin asked. Oops, you said that out loud didn't you?

"Nothing." you said, just as Binns entered the classroom.

"Class, we will be studying the goblin rebellion today." he announced. Oh, how wonderful.

Binns began to drone on and on, and you began to fall asleep, still exhausted from last night. But suddenly your stomach growled loudly, interrupting you and everyone else from falling into a slumber.

You went red as all eyes were on you. Pansy, who sat next to you, muttered something under her breath. That pug-faced idiot.

Eventually you managed to fall asleep, before someone jolted you awake. "Oi, time to go."

Draco Malfoy. You glared at him as you stood from your seat and began walking out of the empty classroom.

Draco came up behind you. "Have you finished the book yet?"

"What book?" you grumbled.

"Quidditch Through The Ages," he replied.

OH. He still wanted that?!

"I haven't even started it yet." you replied. He looked disappointed.

Then you were sort of confused with yourself. Why didn't you read it yesterday like you had planned? Oh yeah, because of those stupid Gryffindors who were supposed to duel with Draco.

"Where were you yesterday?" you suddenly said angrily. You were frustrated with him for not showing up to the duel, because if he did then you would have gotten to your common room on time, gone to sleep on time and not have been in such a bad mood today.

"What?" he asked.

"You were supposed to duel with Harry in the trophy room. Why didn't you show up? Did Malfoy get scared of the oh-so-great Harry Potter?"

"Oh that. Yeah I never planned to duel, I'm not an idiot." Idiot. "I tipped off Filch though." he added smugly.

"Is that your lame attempt of an excuse as to why you didn't turn up?" you said, turning away from Malfoy.

"Didn't know Hufflepuffs got so moody," he said, walking past you.

Frustrated, you stormed off to your Herbology lesson with Professor Sprout who was literally the best teacher ever, and the best Head of House. Hopefully she'd put you in a good mood.


In Herbology, you were with the Gryffindors. Though you were annoyed at Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville for last night, you were a Hufflepuff so you couldn't stay mad for too long. Apparently Hermione was refusing to talk to Harry and Ron.

You sat down between Hermione and Hannah. The good thing about Herbology was that Professor Sprout let you sit wherever you wanted. You'd heard that the other Herbology class (the Slytherin and Ravenclaw class) had a seating plan because the Slytherins never listened. Serves them right.

Today you were learning about Devil's Snare, which was a plant with the magical ability to constrict or strangle anything in its surrounding environment or something that happens to touch it. Struggling or resistance to Devil's Snare will cause the plant to exert a greater force of constriction. Professor Sprout explained that it thrives in damp and dark environments, so one would use the Fire-Making Charm to essentially stop it from working.

You and Hermione found this pretty interesting. The boys however weren't too keen; apart from Neville. He was amazing at Herbology. He wasn't the person who stuck up his hand at every opportunity like Hermione, but whenever he got picked on he got the answers right and got house points. Professor Sprout loved him and thought he was an amazing student.

It was time for break; you went outside with Hermione and Hannah and sat on the grass. It was September, so it wasn't too cold yet, perfect weather to sit and chat outside.

You just pulled out Quidditch Through The Ages to read when suddenly it floated out of your hands.

"Hey!" you shouted, jumping up.

"Look who can't perform a simple levitation spell, hm?" Draco smirked, as the book landed into his hands.

"Malfoy, you idiot! Give it back! I'm sure there's another copy!" you said angrily, trying to snatch it out of his hands.

"There isn't." He clearly lied, but seemed to enjoy making your life miserable.

You were in a bad mood today, and you honestly didn't care what happened because of it. "Incendio," you whispered the Fire-Making Charm you'd just learnt in Herbology, pointing your wand at Draco's cloak.

It burst into flames and Draco ran screaming like a little girl, dropping the book.

Hannah gave you a high-five and Hermione was in a fit of giggles.

Just as you went to get the book, you heard a stern voice above you. "Miss (L/n), my office! Now!" McGonagall said looking down at you.

Oh dear.

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