Year 1// Troll

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It had been two months since you came to Hogwarts. You didn't realise how quickly time went. You wrote to your parents once a week and they'd reply within a few days — they were still getting used to sending mail by Owl Post.

Meanwhile, you weren't on any better terms with Hannah than you'd been two months ago. You'd sneak out at night to pull pranks on Filch with Fred and George and come back late. Somehow you managed to get your homework done as well, so that was okay. And mind you, you lost no points in these two months.

Draco's attitude towards you hadn't changed either. You'd learnt to block him out and avoided interactions with him at all costs.

Your common room wasn't the best place to hang out, either, what with everyone, apart from possibly Ernie who tried to talk to you, hating your guts. So, you didn't spend much time in the cosy little place. Instead, you'd spend time at the library with Hermione or plotting the next prank with Fred and George. Hermione didn't approve of pulling pranks but she didn't really mind since you got your work done.

Now it was Friday, and you had Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirrel just before lunch. These lessons were possibly even more tedious than History of Magic with Professor Binns because Quirrel could barely get through any content due to his awful stutter. After the lesson you were supposed to meet Hermione as you were going to sit at the Gryffindor table for lunch.

As you walked, you saw the bushy haired girl walking behind Harry and Ron. Ron was saying something to Harry, when suddenly Hermione pushed past Ron in a hurry, almost in tears.

"Hermione!" you called, breaking into a run.

When you caught up with Harry and Ron, you looked at Ron angrily. "What did you say?"

Ron sheepishly grinned at you. "N-nothing, just that she's got no friends..." he trailed off.

"Are you blind? Am I invisible?" you shouted at him. "I'm one of her friends, you bloody idiot!"

Then you turned and ran after Hermione. Someone suddenly stood in front of you, causing you to come to a halt.

"Where you going, Hufflepuff?" Draco said. "After your mudblood friend I presume?"

"Go away Malfoy," you said, wincing slightly as the profanity rolled off his tongue too easily. You didn't want to lash out.

"Are you going to cry again?" he teased in a baby voice. Pansy must've told him about the incident from a few weeks ago.

"I said go away." you said a bit more firmly.

"I don't have to listen to a mudblood." he replied.

"Are you bloody deaf? I said go away!" you turned, pointing your wand at him.

Smirking, he raised his hands and turned around to walk with his friends, and you lowered your wand and went after Hermione.


You'd spent so long trying to find Hermione, you decided to take a break and go eat. She probably wanted to be alone.

As you passed the Gryffindor table, you overheard Parvati Patil telling Lavender Brown that Hermione was crying in the girls' toilets. Immediately, you turned on your heel and dashed out of the Great Hall and towards the girls' toilets.

You entered the toilets. You heard faint sobs coming from a cubical. You knocked on the door gently.

"Hermione, it's (Y/n)," you said.

"Go away," Hermione said through sniffs.

"You know what Ron said isn't true," you tried telling her.

"It is though!" she said.

"Well that's rude. I'm your friend. And to be honest, you're my only friend as of right now."

She slowly opened the door and gave you a hug. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her cheeks had red splodges all over them.

"Come on, let's go eat," you said with a smile.

Just then, a huge troll entered the bathroom. It was about twelve feet tall, dull grey skin and had short legs which were as wide as tree trunks. It was holding a huge wooden club which it dragged on the floor because its arms were so long.

You and Hermione slowly took a step back. You didn't think it had noticed you both yet, so you began to creep towards the door. You twisted the handle... and it was locked! You frantically shook the handle, when suddenly your were lifted of the ground by your ankle.

You screamed. Hermione screamed. Everyone screamed.

Whilst the troll attempted to hit you with the club, it narrowly missed Hermione and knocked the sinks of the wall instead. Hermione crouched by the wall, looking as if she was about to faint. Meanwhile, you were actually about to faint, what with the troll shaking you so much whilst you were now upside-down.

"Oi, pea-brain!" someone shouted. The troll turned around, still holding you upside-down.

"Ron!" you cried. Not the knight-in-shining-armour you hoped for, but he was better than nothing.

The troll went after Ron, whilst Harry went to get Hermione. Just as the troll was about to give Ron a whack on the head, Harry jumped on its back and stuck his wand up the troll's nose. It howled in pain, shaking you with it.

In the chaos, you managed to pull out your wand from your sleeve. "Incendio!" you shouted one of the only useful spells you could think of at it's head. Flames shot out of your wand, narrowly missing Harry. You managed to distract the troll at least.

Harry was clinging onto the troll, and the troll began to blindly try and hit either one of you.

Just when you were sure you were going to die, Ron cried, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The club floated out of the trolls hand, and dropped on the trolls head, knocking him out cold. The troll collapsed to the ground, letting go of you. You hit the floor with a thud. You felt a little woozy and Harry rushed to you and helped you up. Ron got Hermione who was still shaking.

You all stared at the unconscious troll in front of you. Well, you saw about six trolls lying unconscious. Being hung and shaken upside down made you feel a little tipsy.

Harry pulled out his wand from the troll's nose and you grimaced before letting out a giggle. "Haaaarry..." you drawled. "That's reeeeaaally gross..."

Suddenly, McGonagall, Snape and Quirrel rushed to the scene.

Professor McGonagall stared at the four of you expecting some sort of explanation for the racket you had caused.

"What in the name of Merlin were you thinking of?" she said angrily. "You're lucky you weren't killed! Why aren't you in your dormitories?"

You stayed silent, along with the others.

Then, Hermione spoke up. "Please, Professor McGonagall - they were looking for me."

"Miss Granger!"

As Hermione gave an explanation, you were feeling rather hysterical after being shaken so much. The six trolls had slowly become eight and you swayed from side to side, Harry grabbed your shoulder so you didn't collapse.

"Miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this," McGonagall said. Then she told Hermione to go.

"As for the three of you," McGonagall began. "not many first-years can take on a fully grown mountain troll. Five points to the each of you."

After she rewarded you with your well-deserved five points, you fainted, just after muttering a quick 'thank you'.

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