Year 2// Talk

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You sat by the fireplace in your common room with Ernie, Justin, Susan and Hannah late at night after the Halloween feast. They were talking in hushed voices about what had just happened.

"What is the Chamber of Secrets?" Hannah asked.

"My dad told me about it once, but I don't really remember," Ernie replied.

"Why is Harry always at the centre of everything?" Justin questioned. "Last year, it was with Quirrel, and now this?"

"It can't be his fault..." you began, after having quietly listened to the conversation for the past twenty minutes now.

"It's just... with Voldemort killing his parents and all, I can't help but wonder if he's evil or something..." Justin continued.

"He's not." you stated firmly, recalling good memories from last year.

Everyone was silent.

"We should go to sleep," Susan said after a while.

You and Hannah nodded, and stood up with Susan to go to the girls' dormitories.


The next week, all anyone was talking about was the attack on Mrs Norris. Filch kept it fresh in everyone's minds by pacing the spot where she had been attacked, as though he thought the attacker might come back. You'd seen him scrubbing the message on the wall with Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover, but to no effect; the words still gleamed as brightly as ever on the stone. When Filch wasn't guarding the scene of the crime, he was skulking red-eyed through the corridors, lunging out at unsuspecting students and trying to put them in detention for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy."

You headed towards your Charms lesson with the one and only Slytherins. It was one of your favourite subjects, but none of the Slytherins actually paid any attention, making it one of the worst lessons. They would always be talking and talking and talking.

Last year, you sat next to Draco, because you had no choice. This year, you sat next to Pansy Parkinson, because you had no choice. It was somewhat worse, because Draco sat next to Pansy on the other side, and so it was near to impossible to drown their constant nasty remarks and listen to Professor Flitwick. And with the attack on Mrs Norris, Pansy and Draco would never reject an opportunity to insult you about your lack of magical heritage. You had sadly become accustomed to this. However, you also sat next to Justin this year, so it meant that Charms lessons were a little less horrible.

Anyway, you walked to your seat, only to be tripped up by Pansy. The Slytherins laughed at you. You sighed as you lifted yourself up and sat down. You wouldn't be able to get through a whole hour of this.

Eventually, the lesson ended, and you rushed from your seat and followed your friends to your common room to drop off your bags before you headed to dinner. After complaining to Justin about Charms, you walked to the Great Hall and took your seat.

You couldn't help but hearing Cho Chang who sat directly behind you on the Ravenclaw table talking about their History of Magic lesson with the Gryffindors. You listened intently, and caught a fragment of the conversation: "It must be real! And the monster Binns talked about, what do you think it is?"

You guessed it was about the Chamber of Secrets, what else could she be talking about?

You hardly paid attention to your friends' conversation at dinner — you were simply itching to go and talk to Harry, Hermione and Ron about this, since they probably had the full story.

You rushed out of the Great Hall quickly, eager to find the trio. You asked Fred and George, who were walking out, where they were. The two simply shrugged in unison and said that they hadn't seen them at dinner. You went to your common room and without saying anything to anyone, went to sleep.


The next few days were hectic. Of course, people were still talking about the attack on Mrs Norris, but more than that they were talking about the first Quidditch match of the season: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Anthony Rickett (Hufflepuff team captain) managed to squeeze in as many training sessions as possible during the week, and would not stop reminding the team that the Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw match was in two weeks. It was going to be your first match, and you were determined to do a half-decent job.

It was lunch time, and you were quick to finish your food and get changed for Quidditch practice. You headed onto the pitch, only to unluckily bump into Draco who was leaving the pitch. This was an awfully common occurrence which had to stop.

"Mind moving, Malfoy?" you asked, trying to go to the pitch to join your teammates.

"Yes, I do mind, actually." he smirked. You began to walk around him, when Draco began walking with you, which was rather odd.

"What do you want now, Malfoy?" you sighed, rolling your eyes. "Here to scare me about the Chamber of Secrets are you? Or to tell me I suck at Quidditch? Which one is it this time?"

Draco pretended like he didn't hear what you just said and carried on. "My father knows a lot about the Chamber of Secrets, he's convinced it's real. I think it's real, too —"

"Why are you telling me this?" you asked with a hint of annoyance.

"Let me finish, mudblood." Draco spat back. You were confused; it seemed like Draco actually wanted to talk to you, not to just insult you.

"Well hurry up, pureblood. I've got Quidditch practice to go to." you retorted, leaning on your broom.

Draco rolled his eyes. "The Chamber of Secrets is real. The creature inside it can literally kill you from what I have heard from my father —"

You scoffed. "Like I would believe a word your father said, he'd rather have me and all the other Muggleborns in the world dead."

"You'll end up like that filthy cat if you keep up with your current level of stupidity." Malfoy said before trotting off.

That was by far the longest 'civil' conversation you'd ever had with Draco, although 'civil' literally just meant 'no shouting'. It gave you an odd feeling, not necessarily pleasant, because Draco stressed you out way too much, but not the worst feeling either. Perhaps one day, Draco would genuinely be nice to you, without covering it up with an insult.

You jumped on your broom and joined your team in the air.

"Now that everyone's here, let's do some drills!" Anthony shouted in the cold. "Chasers up first!"

This would be a long training session.

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