Year 1// The Cuckoo Sound

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You squealed happily when you found that Ron had given Draco a black-eye and sent him to the infirmary. Talk about karma.

You decided to pop into the infirmary to pay him a visit, and you almost felt sorry him; his so-called 'friends' didn't seem to visit him as there were no flowers or 'get well soon' cards. You wanted to think that he deserved it; he'd treated you pretty badly since you started Hogwarts. Despite this, you ever so slightly pitied him.


In Defence Against the Dark Arts, you were seated next to Justin, which made the lesson absolutely torture. Even though he didn't even talk to you, you just knew he was as frustrated as you were, if not more.

Draco had also recovered quite speedily to your dismay, so he was in the lesson. Quirrel was always stuttering and was literally unable to tell Draco to be quiet. Sitting next to Justin, with Draco commentating on everything made this lesson your number one worst.

After the lesson you were heading to your common room and you passed the kitchens. Draco was there bullying one of the house-elves who were preparing some food. He managed to steal some bread rolls and a jam tart.

You were pretty angry at this point, so when he walked out of the kitchens with a smug grin, you shouted at him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

He was caught off-guard when he heard you, so he jumped around in fear. When he saw you, his usual 'I'm-the-king-of-everything' expression came back. "Oh, it's you."

"Give that food back! The house-elves worked really hard on it!" you scolded him.

"Oh of course, your Majesty, how could I ever say no?" Draco said dramatically before rolled his eyes and walking away.

You weren't too familiar with attacking spells apart from the Fire-Making Charm so you were a bit confused on what to do. You looked over your shoulder and saw the barrels surrounding your common room. You had an idea.

"Malfoy, I bet you can't get into the Hufflepuff common room." you said. Draco continued walking away.

"I'll bet you, uh, 10 Galleons," you offered. You were pretty confident. Draco didn't seem to react, because he continued walking.

"Are you too chicken to try? Is this going to be like the wizards duel you backed out of because you were too scared of Potter?" you provoked. You noticed him clenching his fists.

"You're a baby —" you continued, but you stopped when Draco turned around with a fist merely a centimetre from your face.

"If you dare insult me again, I swear I will not hesitate to punch a girl." he threatened. You gulped. You were, admittedly, scared.

"I won't insult you if," you managed to say. "If, you agree to my bet."

Draco gritted his teeth. "Fine. But don't blame me when you're 10 Galleons poorer, mudblood."

This time you gritted your teeth. "Why don't we double the bet? 20 Galleons."

"Okay, it's your loss." he sneered.

You led him to the Hufflepuff common room entrance. "So all you have to do is tap in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff' on that barrel over there." you explained.

Draco looked at you suspiciously. You smiled, "I'm a Hufflepuff, I don't lie."

He shrugged and tapped the barrel. Nothing happened. At first you thought he'd done it. But, magic never fails to surprise you.

The barrel lid opened, and dowsed vinegar all over Draco. It seemed as though even the barrels hated him, because they hadn't been this nasty to Harry and Ron over Christmas when they'd tried entering.

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