Hurt 💔

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Part 3.0

I know part 3 is kind of short but I didn't want to give you all too much info just yet!

Alysa Pov
2 months later

2 months, it's been 2 whole months since I've heard from Alvin, since he lied to me, broke my heart, stood me up with no explanation‼

Every since that day I've been broken, went to every friend, every facebook, instagram, Snapchat, & twitter account to find my man! But every time I got closer to finding him, I got knock 5 steps back! So I gave up! He didn't want to be found.........he just left me, he didn't even care! 😞 But I wanted the truth, I deserve the fucking truth from him!

I have lost weight, cried numerous of times but today will be the last day! I'm done, with that sorry excuse of a man!

April 20

I woke up feeling brand new and refresh! No more tears, no more being stressed out, no more nothing!  I woke up with only my lace panties and bra set and fix me some breakfast!
I fix pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, grits, with a nice large size cup of orange juice! I clean up and headed toward the living room turned on my favorite show Maury, ate my breakfast, and enjoyed the show!

I was starting this day off too good! 🙂🙂

After my show went off, I started cleaning the house! Started from the living room and on up! I turn my song on Jam by Kevin gates and got to dancing and cleaning! 5 minutes into cleaning and I could've sworn I heard the door open but I push it off since the music was playing extra loud! As I was grinding and twerking somebody grab my waist and push me over the bed! Turning around swinging, punching whoever broke in my house in the face,  but instead I came face to face with the no good of a bitch ass Alvin! 😳😡😡

Part 3.5

Alvin Pov

I already decided I was gone just cut Alysa and keep my family so I want have to deal with the extra drama! Pulling up at my house I noticed
Alysa car there so I quietly walk through the doors and up the stairs to see her grinding and twerking with only her lace panties and bra on! Ian gone lie I forgot about Brittney and the kids as soon as I seen her, I tried to control myself but my dick was so hard and just wanted to pound her pussy! So I grab her around the waist and push her on the bed ready to stick the head in but before I knew she punch my ass in the face and I was beyond pissed off! 😡😡


Alvin: BITCH I know you didn't just punch me in my mother fucking face

Alysa: Yes BITCH I DID & fuck yo no good ass. Get the fuck out of my mother fucking house! I haven't seen nor heard from you in two mother fucking months & you gone bring yo wanna be boosie bad ass in here thinking you gone get some pussy? Nawl bitch you got me on all types of fuck up, I don't want yo bitch ass no mother fucking more, get yo shit and get the fuck out my DAM HOUSE!!

Alvin: 😡😏 Oh you thought this was your house? See nawl Hoe this my mother fucking shit, this house in my name, I pay the mother fucking bills! You think I give a fuck because you mad I left for two months & guess what bitch those two months have been the best time of my life! My son was born so do you think I give a Fuck because your feelings hurt HOE?

Alysa: Y-- your son? 😭😭 How could you? I gave everything up for you, you bitch! Everything that you've done to me will come back around and bite you in the ass, you no good bitch! I hate you‼

Alvin: 😂😂 bitch you still don't get it do you? My family comes before you hoe 😂 now get the fuck out of my house

Alysa: No this is MY HOUSE! You don't run me bitch!

Alvin: Punch 🤜🏽, slap 👋🏼, kick

Alysa:  I was thrown out the house and on the streets with no where to go with only my lace panties and bra 😭😢😢

He did the last thing he could possibly do to me & that was break me completely and on top of that he got a baby on me!! 😞😞

What the fuck  do I suppose to do now? 😢 I haven't talked to my older sister in months and my mom passed away so where do I suppose to go? He knew I had no where to go but here I am on the streets dam near naked with nothing!


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