Will come to the light

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Mr.Halls Pov
What you mean twins? Brianna(Mrs.Halls name) what the fuck is this?
B- Baby I'm sorry but you said you would leave me if we had more than two kids!😢😢
Mr.Halls- You dumb bitch I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Brittney!
B- You WHAT? You was talking to who?
Mr.Halls- I mean baby I was just playing when I said that!
Brittney - Daddy it's ok! Yes he was talking to me! I had two babies by my dad. I got pregnant with them at 13, so they should be 17 now! That's why dad talked you into letting me go stay with his sister because I'll have a better education there!
Mrs.Halls- 😢😢 how could you ? How fucking could you? Alysa baby please just let me go, I don't give af as to what you do to them! And Allison I'm sorry, I promise you I am!

Allison Pov

Nawl fuck that! ALL of you tried to ruin my sister life so we gone make yours a living hell! 😊😊

Alysa- I have a even better idea!
Allison- ok what's up?
Alysa- I want mom and Brittney in the room together,  and everybody else by their self!
Allison- Why mom and Brittney?
Alysa- Because if she bad enough to set me up, fuck our mom husband(her dad), & have his babies then she's bad enough to stay in the room with her!
Allison- Ok

Nawl that's not it! The pills I was taking, I want it cook into their food everyday! And that doctor they paid, you can bring him in now!

Dr. Rogers
Why am I here?

To save your LIFE!

Alysa- See I know they paid you to say I was in a coma for two years. So to save your life I want all three of those males to have surgery on their penis to get it turn it into a vagina and make the women vagina a penis!  Now did you bring everything?
Dr. Rogers
Yyyeess ma'am
Alysa- Thanks! And oh by the way they want be needing any pain medicine, they need to feel everything!!

And with that I walk out! I hope they don't think that all that's going to happen to them because they have really fuck with the wrong twins! See I would've stayed and did more damage but I didn't want my babies to see me with blood all over me! You better believe that was just for today because from this day forward I will make them feel my pain everyday!

Before I left I got my sister house address and drove home to my babies‼😊😊

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