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Alysa Pov

Life has been great! My babies are going great in school! Ava, Junior, Alex, & Aiyden even help each other say their ABC's! I'm such a proud mom, my babies are really good helpers!

And as for me, my business here has been popping! My first time opening the store I almost sold out of everything! I literally had to call and reorder the same day I open! It's pretty much like that everyday & now my shop is one of the best in the nation! 😊😊

I can't thank God and the moon goddess enough for the blessings they have allowed me to have!

Phone rings
Alli-Hey sis
Aly- Hey, how you doing?
Alli- I'm doing fine but I was calling to let you know that the results came back!
Aly- Ok and what's the results?
Alli- Well they are his kids but
Aly- I knew it!
Alli- Their yours too!
Aly- What you mean their my kids too!
Alli- Well Brittany jump into your body while you and August was having sex and you ended up getting pregnant but she jump the babies into her womb and had someone to put a spell on yours so you couldn't have babies! So James and Jarrod are actually your kids & I already told them everything as well as August! Their already on a plane headed there!
Aly- Wtf I need a drink! 😡 I hate that bitch! Wait can I do some kind of magic to put James fingers back on because I chopped them off when he tried to kill me?
Alli- He'll have to ask the moon goddess for forgiveness and maybe she'll grant him his fingers back! All you have to do is call her name and she'll be there!
Aly- Ok well thanks sis and love you!

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