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Markus Pov

Man that nigha real live violated me in a way nobody has ever violated me! I will be getting answers from this bitch but let me head home and get clean so I can see my kids and then the strip club! Of all people I would've figured that my brother would've been the first person to find me or at least look for me but I guess not!

Once I made it home I took a long hot bath & just soaked everything up! I cried until I couldn't cry anymore! You'll just don't know the pain from being rape and on top of that finding out that it was a man! 😢😢

I never new it was a man! He never sounded like a man, look like a man, nor felt like a man! He dressed like a woman and disguised his voice!

I look at myself in the mirror and couldn't even believe what I saw! I didn't look like the handsome man I once was! I had to talk to somebody anybody before I kill myself!

Alysa Pov

I was playing with my babies until I heard a knock at the door!
I open it and couldn't believe my eyes
Markus is that you! He looked at me with so much pain in his eyes that I just grab him and held him!
M-All I could do was look at her but once she hug me I instantly burst into tears! The whole situation just hurts my heart! The simple fact I nut for a man thinking I was having sex with a woman the whole time!
After hugging Markus told me EVERYTHING! I couldn't believe what I just heard but I do know I will do my best to help Markus through this!
A- Are you ok?
M- No because I was rape by a man for 8 months and no one even looked for me!
A- I did and so did Alvin, but we never could get close to finding you but we are happy that you're alive and here now!
M- Thank you so much, is it ok that I don't see my babies until I get myself together? I will still come over and play with them but I want to get back to my old self before I introduce myself to them again!
A-That's find with me and keep your head up, better days will come!

Markus Pov

2 months later

I feel better and I'm finally back to my old self! Yes I still have Austin and have been torturing him every day! I'm happy but he still needs to fill the pain I felt!

As far as my kids, they love me! The first time I heard them call me daddy brought tears to my eyes! I am officially back to work but this time I got my own stripping business and took almost every stripper with me except Brittney! Idk why the fuck my brother hired her ass back in the first place but other than that your boy is living life!

Alvin Pov

Man I can't even explain how happy I am! Things are finally falling into place, I have my babies and Alysa if finally coming around to be a good friend! I just wished I didn't fuck up but things happen for a reason!

Austin Pov

I yelled everyday and night for somebody to come help me but I never got an answer! I pray to god that I will find a way out! I don't know what I did for to deserve the punishment that I'm getting!! 😢😢

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