Best night ever

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Alysa Pov

When I woke up I had the worst fucking headache ever! But what I was worrying about is why tf I am naked and sore between the legs? I'll just ask Allison! I tried to get up to walk but fell as soon as I got out of bed!

Aug- You ok Ma?
Who the......

Aug- You know if you take a picture Ma it'll last longer!A- Um hey August!Aug- Oh I'm August now? I was just daddy last night!A- Omg that's why I'm naked and can't walk! I'm so embarrass

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Aug- You know if you take a picture Ma it'll last longer!
A- Um hey August!
Aug- Oh I'm August now? I was just daddy last night!
A- Omg that's why I'm naked and can't walk! I'm so embarrass. Can you take me to the tub?
Aug- Yea Ma I got you but let me put you on the bed and then run you some water.
After August ran me some water, he came and got me and put me in but this man started taking off his clothes and my eyes was stuck like a mf!
I didn't realize I was biting my lips and still staring until August said some!
A- Huh? What you say?
Aug- I said you keep looking at me like that biting you lips, I'm gone have yo ass beans over this tub!
A- awww
I didn't even realize I moan by all I know is I was moaning louder and louder now because all I feel is his dick in me!

A-Fuck daddy yes!
Aug- Who pussy is this?
A- Yours daddy, it's yours!
Aug- Fuuckkk you so fucking tight!
A- Omg baby right there!
Aug- Fuck you bout to make me nut
A- Cum for me daddy

After about 15 mins of having sex we both finally came! After our little make up section we decided to take a shower, clean up, & then head down for breakfast!

Omg I forgot all about Allison! I hope she not here!

And just my luck she was looking dead at me as
soon as I walk down the last step! That's not what caught my eye though, the WHOLE fucking crew was here! I'm really embarrass now! So I hid behind Aug because they started marking how I was sounding & laughing!

Aug- Aye y'all can get off my baby!
Alli- Shut up Aug don't act like we didn't hear you! Fuck baby you tight! Dam you finna make me nut! 😂😂
Aug- Man fuck y'all at least I got some last night!😂
Shid we did too! 😂😂

Alysa Pov

Allison, Natasha, & Brittney come on so we can start breakfast!
B- Ugh do I have to? I mean dam my toe hurting I can't move!
Alysa- Nice try now come on because if I go in here and cook, I'll be the only one eating!
Alli-Man y'all come on ugly self always making us help you out!
A- Awww I love you too sis now start making the scramble eggs, steam the ham, toast the bread, Natasha do the pancakes and bacon, Brittney do the waffles & sausages, & I'll make the homemade biscuits & orange juice!

I think we over did it but they greedy asses ate everything! 🙄🙄

I think we over did it but they greedy asses ate everything! 🙄🙄

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