Get ready

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Alysa Pov

They just don't know their coming for the wrong bitch! I don't know how I'll get a way with this but what I do know is that I need to get in contact with my twin sister Allison! And yes you heard me right my twin sister! See my mom has been lying like my name is Allison because that's my sister name! Funny thing is she never told my dad about her because she didn't want to have three children only two!

My sister stays here as well! As soon as I get in contact with her! I will have her disguised as me! 🙃🙃

Allison Pov

My sister told me everything and I'm surprise! I never been the type to get into anything like this but for her I will! Although our mom
Separated us, my sister and I stayed in touch! We have a very close bond and be dam if I left them get away with the bs they pull on her! Time for me to pull my old ways and the bag and call up my old crew!

Brittney Pov

Listening to my mom talk saying how she was talking to an empty seat talking about Sarah, all I could do was laugh! Pays back a bitch! I don't see how she took care of these dam kids with all this hollering but I'm about to throw all they ass outside! How dare they call her mom, I'm there fucking mother!

Alvin Pov

While Brittney was in the house with the kids, I had Markus bent over fucking his ass whole! Yea I know he has aids so I made sure to wrap up because Ian trying to catch that shit! And you all probably wondering why I set her up, well the bitch wouldn't get back with me and if I cant have her NO ONE CAN!

Markus Pov

Alvin feel so good inside of me! I found out how much I love men after getting rape by Austin over and over again! And as far as him let's just say he's getting the same treatment I got everyday except with much more force! But fuck him I can't get enough of this big dick!

M-mmm yes daddy go deeper
A- How deep you want it baby
M- Deeper daddy deeper
A- Fuck I love when you call me daddy
M- daddy yes daddy fuck me hard
A- oooohhh fuuccckkk baby you about to make me come
M- Nut in this ass daddy fuck your big I'm ccccuming too
and with that they both nut and went to go back up and run a train on Brittney again!

I love my kids so I let them watch how I fuck this bitch so they can know what to do when they get older!

Alysa Pov

I don't know how this plan will turn out or how long it will take but I'm ready! I want my life back! I want my babies back! There's no telling what their they're doing to them!! 😢😢

I cry myself to sleep every night trying to figure out why do things keep happening to me? I'm the good person out of everybody and they all turnt their backs on me!! 😢😢

But that's fine because when I see them I will kill them! And I mean that! You can fuck over me all you want but what you want do is fuck with my kids!! 😡😡

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