Family comes first

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Part 18

Markus Pov

It's been 8 months, 8 fucking months! I can't believe no one has even tried to reach out to me after all of this time 😢😢 And on top of that I can't even believe this is who kidnap me! But what I couldn't understand was why did I get kidnap? What did I ever do to this person that I had to get kidnap, rape, & beat by this person! My body is tired of fighting, I give up I just want to die! I just hope my babies know that daddy loves them no matter what!

Unknown Pov

My baby is getting a little crazy but that's exactly what I want from him! I want him to know that I'm the boss and he's my bitch! He needs to know that he will only please me and obey my command! Yes I've taken him outside to get some sunlight but I made sure I had his collar and leash on! I finally have my bitch where I want him to be! 😁😁

Thinking about us moving to Mexico next month and we can start our life all over again! 🤔 Yeah I definitely love the sound of that!

Alvin Pov
I been talking to Alysa lately but not in that way she just was telling me she haven't heard from Markus and that Austin doesn't want Ava! So I decided to get my people to look up some information about that!

I've known Austin for the same amount of time I've known Brittney! I honestly thought he was my brother, my homeboy but he showed me how real he really is! So it's only right that I help Alysa out with this, she deserves to know! After everything she's been through!

Team- Al we got some info on Austin you want me to send it to you?
Al- nawl I'm on my way!

20 mins later
I finally made it and couldn't believe my eyes! How fuck up is this nigha Austin? This whole dam time Brittney is his sister! This nigha been fucking his sister the whole fucking time! On top of that that nigha got a whole dam baby with her! Ava could've came out with a disorder or anything!

I was beyond pissed off! I refuse to let Ava consider anyone of them nasty bastards her parents! As far as she know Alysa is her mom and I'm her dad!

Alysa Pov

I know I said I hate Alvin but he's really been there for me and the kids a lot lately! I just hope that the sympathy I'm starting to get doesn't turn into anything else with him!

You guys my babies are so beautiful and just growing up on me!  The first day I heard my babies call me momma just made my day! I couldn't do nothing but hug my baby and smile! They just growing up too fast for me 😩😩 I want them to stay this size forever‼ Alysa is now 3, Junior is going on 2, Alex & Aiden will be two a couple months after Junior, & Maddie & Markel are finally 1 and walking! Thank god! 😂😂

Lil Miss Maddie was walking the whole time for the maids but was crawling every time I was around! Until my maid Sabrina told me she been walking for 2 weeks now, TWO whole weeks! And before you ask how your baby been walking for two whole weeks and you didn't know,  like I said she only crawl around me and when I tried to get her to walk she just fell! My own lil baby played me! 😂😂

I been able to really sit down and work at the store a lot more now since I got all my babies in daycare! My business is still doing good, even during my absence! I can't thank Ms. Nicole enough for all her hard work,  since she did such a great job, I will make her a store manager for one of my stores! That's the least I can do!! 😊😊

I work 10 hours today and let me tell you I was beyond tired! I made it home around 3:30 & didn't have to get the kids until 6. I went straight to the bed, set my alarm for 5:30, &I went to sleep! I was beyond tired. I had my maids to make the children lunch while I take a nap!

2 hours later

I woke up from my nap but lord knows I didn't want to get up! 😩 But as much as I'll love to stay in bed I have to go get my beautiful babies from day care!

Going to get my babies from day care can be very frustrating at times! You should see the looks on the other parents face when they see me leave with 6 children! Sometimes it hurts but if only they knew the stories behind these 6 beautiful babies! I wonder if I'll ever get a man that wants to put up with me and my 6 kids that's not his? But me being the person I am I don't even care because it's all about US!

I know they don't look the ages on the picture but that's just an image of how they look!

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